View Full Version : I feel so down I can't cope

Dan Wales
19-01-15, 18:09
I feel so down, I can't cope feeling this anxious everyday. I want to be happy not sad.

19-01-15, 19:42
hi Dan.sorry to hear that mate..all i can say is you are not alone mate.im like this all the time but find posting on hear you get some great suport....is there anything that starte your anxiety off in the first place.are you on any medecation

Dan Wales
19-01-15, 20:06
hi Dan.sorry to hear that mate..all i can say is you are not alone mate.im like this all the time but find posting on hear you get some great suport....is there anything that starte your anxiety off in the first place.are you on any medecation

I am on medication but I don't think it's helping the anxiety.

19-01-15, 20:10
Feeling better comes from within - you have to start changing the way you think! There are lots of books you can read which could really help you. If you are interested in this just say I'm sure people have lots of reccommendations. Also therapy like CBT helps a lot of people.

Dan Wales
19-01-15, 20:12
Feeling better comes from within - you have to start changing the way you think! There are lots of books you can read which could really help you. If you are interested in this just say I'm sure people have lots of reccommendations. Also therapy like CBT helps a lot of people.

Thank you I am thinking of trying CBT therapy.

19-01-15, 20:30
CBT works for a lot of people but make sure you open your mind to it and accept and stop fearing your anxiety!

20-01-15, 09:54
Hi Dan

How are you feeling today. Please vent on here if it helps you. You are not alone. We are all feeling similar.
Has anything triggered this?

20-01-15, 10:12
hi dan.what meds are you on mate.? hope your feeling better today

20-01-15, 13:51
Hey Dan,

I know how you feel mate. I wish I could explain to you everything on this forum, but Iīd be writing forever. Basically I have overcame most of this crap, and still am overcoming it by understanding the how the nervous system works, and mental and emotional fatigue.
The feeling down is because of emotional fatigue. And your nervous system responds to your emotions by bringing on physical symptoms, tension, palpitations etc etc.
I know itīs unpleasant to feel how you do. But I urge you to face how you feel, and let yourself feel however you feel with as little resistence as possible. Ease yourself forward to however you feel, it is the resistence to how you feel which gives it energy.
Take deep breaths, and face it all, in a submissive a way as possible, and let your tummy sag, shoulders sag, and arms sag! And try to stop adding fear from your mind by floating.
Take each moment one moment at a time, and each day one day at a time. And try to be as easy on yourself as you can!
I used to have non-stop suffering, and thought Iīd never make progress but now life is more manageable, my confidence has grown, Iīm seeing a beautiful girl, and I am more optimistic about the future. And before I couldnīt look people in the eye, or even dare venture outside to go to the shop!
Dr Claire Weekes method is the way. Prob is that because we are so mentally fatigued it takes a lot of repetition and practise to get the hang of it!

Take care,