View Full Version : Had enuf

19-01-15, 18:16
Don't think I can take much more the diazepam not helping me sleep been on 40 mg of fluoxetine for 2 weeks I feel Neasus shakey and nervous all the time it's ruling my life being on edge all the time just need some encouragement as feel I just can't do this any more 😭

Dan Wales
19-01-15, 18:27
You can do it. Your not alone we are all here for you.

19-01-15, 19:25
Remember sometimes medication takes time to settle into your system. Do not overdo the diazepam. Just be patient and remember it will get better. If it doesn't contact your doctor.

19-01-15, 20:38
Thanks guys I only take 2mg of diazepam one in morning 2 at night I'm just Tierd no appetite and after attack I'm drained for days I'm just worn out can't do anything wiv kids x

20-01-15, 14:40
It is normal- when I stared my Citalopram and Simvastatin as well as Propanalol I felt awful for 2-3 weeks - it does settle and if it doesn't your GP will support you to find the right 'mix' of medication until you do feel better

21-01-15, 19:53
ThAnk I means a lot I haven't got much support as no one understands it's nice to hear positive feedback from you all n I hope u are all ok xxx