View Full Version : Anybody else have trouble standing?

19-01-15, 18:23
So my anxiety, is strange. And i'm struggling to accept it is just anxiety.

So My main symptom, isn't so much panic etc it's just a lightheaded horrible feeling, and like my eyes can't focus on stuff, as I've mentioned in numerous posts.

Thing is, I've noticed I don't feel like this when sitting/lying down somewhere, and it only happens whenever I stand up.

I'm starting to wonder if I have a heart/BP issue. When i stand up my heart rate is a fair bit higher than when i'm sitting/lying down, when it is around 69-75, when I stand up it goes up to 95-110 ish. It doesn't seem to go back down either, but probably because i'm busy stressing about it when walking about.

Does anybody else have no other symptom than a constant lightheadedness/ about to collapse any minute type feeling when walking around? If I start to think about it, it does make me feel panicky, and I want to be away from people 'cause I don't want to pass out in public.

I started off being afraid of dying, but I have to admit now, I just wish if it was going to happen it'd hurry up already, because this isn't living either!

Having a bad day! I take 20mg Fluoxetine daily, and have done for the past 3 weeks, with no real change. I did have one really good day where all my symptoms went away, or at least I didn't notice them, but now it's back, and is here more days than not :(

21-01-15, 03:29
Its just anxiety..unless it started at the time of starting your meds..in that case check with your doctor.. but im pretty sure its only anxiety. I hate anxiety with all my heart. I pray every time I lay down to sleep that i can die in my sleep a painless death .Im like you .. this isn't living.. its terrible...I get that feeling you are describing too and I have kept myself from doing anything in recent months..Im so sorry that you are experiencing this and hope you feel better.

21-01-15, 04:49
Funny, my hubby and I were just talking yesterday about when he was prescribed a new med for high blood pressure just before we left for vacation a few years ago. For the first time ever, he experienced what I had for years (although it's gotten better as I get older), yep, the symptoms of slightly low blood pressure! When he stood up after reclining for awhile, relaxing on our balcony, he felt lightheaded as all get out, including the fuzzy vision, weak-in-the-knees feeling, etc. etc. I tried to tell him that's all it was, his blood pressure coming down, but he panicked and left to find the nurse, sure it was more serious than that. Eventually, he came back and admitted that it was just a bit of low blood pressure. It got better. As I say, so did mine, but then I notice my "normal" blood pressure is higher than it was a number of years ago :winks: Still not bad, but not "low normal" anymore, lol! Ahhhhh aging! Gotta love it!

By the way, when I complained to my doc once about the symptoms, he said it's much better to have it a bit on the low side, in fact, it would have to be really really low to be serious. :D

21-01-15, 08:15
Yeah I have had so many issues with low blood pressure..had double vision ,weakness, dizzyness,you name it and I have had it. I have read the side effects on all 5,6.or 7 medicines im taking and that stuff can kill you . I told my doctor..im not sure I want to take all this..im scared..have you read the side effects? He says these are the gold standards in bp meds..He says the benefits far outweigh the risk of the side effects..Well ..how can you argue with that? One time I ask my doctor why a blood test everytime I came to his office...he said well..to see if your meds are killing you ..I was shocked..and said if they are killing me why are you giving them to me? His answer is you can take them and die slowly or you can not take them and die quickly ,its up to you ...this was not the doctor I have now but another one I had for a long time...it sux