View Full Version : borderline rheumatoid factor and fear of further tests :(

19-01-15, 19:53
I had my blood test results, the Dr said that there were no signs of inflammation which is good :) but that the 'rheumatoid factor' was borderline, she said it was 14.

She said that because of my MRI results and my other symptoms (tiredness and cracking/snapping aching joints and stiffness) that she wants to refer to me a rheumatologist.

I am PANICKING thinking they will want to do an MRI of my whole body to check my other joints. I am scared if I do have it, I will have it in lots of other places but my BIGGEST fear is the c word again - I am terrified of having any sort of tests but scans are my number 1 fear :( I am so scared of having a scan cause of them finding cancer :( I know this sounds silly.

Don't even want to think about this appointment cause I am worried how I will react if they say I need a scan.

I know its not the worst news in the world cause its 'borderline' but its more the fear of further tests that is getting to me.

Just wanted to offload :(


19-01-15, 20:44
While I don't know for sure what your rheumy is going to do cos they do things differently, I don't think he'll order MRI straight away. I think he'll do a follow up blood work to see why your RF is borderline. Your ESR is negative so that's good! Usually they'll want to check your ANA if you have joint paint and elevated RF - but I can't tell for sure if he will so please don't panic.

I'm like you. I'm worried the docs would find something else (more like 'something more' than what I already have) on the tests and my mind always comes back to the c-word. It's an awful feeling.

Hang in there!

20-01-15, 09:24
Thanks for your reply eevee :)

I have no idea what will happen next, waiting on the referral letter to come through.

What else can cause elevated RF? I am worried I have another illness like lupus or something like that :( trying not to Google... but it is so hard not to when I am worrying like this.

I am worried mostly about having another MRI scan, I only had one done on my ankle that took 20 mins and that was scary enough, I dread how it would be having a whole body one and I am actually terrified of what the could find.

I know it sounds mad but its almost like I'd "rather not know" if you know what I mean? Even though that sort of goes against how I normally think and behave. I am just so, so scared of having cancer. Cancer has affected so many people close to me in recent years I am just terrified that it is "my turn next"

I have nightmares about it and think about it all the time.

I am also worried about if I do have a rheumatic disease how it will affect me and my chances of having a baby. I am 31 soon and hoping to get married next year and start a family. I already have endometriosis (although I've been told my fertility should be ok but they won't really know 'til I try) and I have problems with the discs in my spine so I am worried about conceiving AND being pregnant/being a parent :(

Everything is just on top of me at the moment :(


21-01-15, 09:28
My RF has been high for years and i have seen 2 rheumatologists who have both said healthy people can have high RF but not have rheumatoid arthritis. I think if all the other bloods are ok and you have no signs of it like me they just say you don't have it and discharge you. That's what happened to me anyway.

21-01-15, 15:26
Thanks Zippy. The GP said she is referring me based on the RF being borderline and the report from my MRI scan which showed synovial fluid in my ankle joint. I really hope I am not starting with RA but even if I am chances are it is early stages.

My ankle feels worse in the mornings and I get pain and stiffness along my spine too and clicky shoulders and toes. Fingers crossed it'll be nothing. Just waiting on a referral now.

Panicking loads over having more tests and scans :( absolutely hate it and sends me into meltdown.