View Full Version : Dr told me today I have a 'RED FLAG' sympton for Cancer

19-01-15, 21:06
For the last few months I have been suffering from an issue with my throat.
It started originally with a feeling like there was a thick clump of mucus I needed to cough up. So I would cough and cough all day long and hardly anything would come up and the sensation wouldn't go. Then I started to get pain on the right side regularly, a sharp stabbing pain every now and then.

Fast forward to now and I still have the feeling of something to cough up but it really feels like it's in my vocal chord area as it affects my voice sometimes.
I also sometimes get the sensation of something moving/flapping around down there when I speak and sometimes on an in-breath too.
I hate lying on my back because it feels like my airway gets restricted in that area too., It feels generally like it's swollen and restricted.

This feeling is 24 hours a day and I can't take it anymore. I'm coughing regularly all day. I'm utterly miserable as a result. Now the pain in my throat on the right side radiates to my right ear.
I've tried chewing gum, sweets etc. but it doesn't help - in fact it makes it worse afterwards. However, when I first started suffering with this it did help for a while.
I have been checked out for reflux with ph test and Gastroscopy a couple of weeks ago and got all clear (had successful reflux surgery 2 years ago)

Today I had a scope up the nose and down the throat. It looks normal apart from some inflammation on the side I get pain from.

The Dr said that unfortunately, the pain referring to my ear is a 'red flag' symptom for cancer.
Therefore I have to have an MRI of the neck to look at the areas he couldn't reach with the scope (base of the tongue etc.). If anything found then I will have an endoscopy to take a biopsy from the area.

Of course I am now absolutely beside myself with fear. I have just cried like a little baby after coming home to the wife. To make matters worse, my 7 year old son hadn't gone to sleep and heard me hysterically crying and came running down stairs to see what was wrong. Now he's worried about Daddy and I feel awful about that. Especially as he's picked up on my Health Anxiety and is anxious about his already. I feel like an awful father to put this shit on him like that. FFS he's only 7. He's just been back down to see me after we reassured him that I'm OK and I'm just 'stressed' saying that he can't breathe properly. What have I done?

I just don't know how I'm going to cope with the few weeks I'm now going to have to wait till I know the outcome. I'm bad enough normally but after hearing this 'Red Flag' stuff, my health anxiety is in overdrive. I think this is it, It's the real deal finally. I have cancer. What about my kids? My wife? How will they cope? How will I? I've wasted so much of my life already through mental illness and now it's going to end early too. I'm terrified of dying and don't believe in any god - I have nothing.

My wife of course is telling me "It's probably nothing, you've been here before". I don't know - this feels different. Everyone who has been diagnosed with cancer will have been told by loved ones that when they went for scans.

Sorry I'm going on and hysterically no doubt but I'm a complete mess right now.

19-01-15, 21:17
I am sorry to hear that you are not doing well.

I do believe there are many many other things except cancer that can cause your symptoms, especially infections, and if your doctor strongly suspected a cancer you would not have to wait weeks...it is just one of many possible causes.

I hope you can think positive. Keep us updated!

19-01-15, 21:19
I can understand how this would make you so worried but you don't know for sure that it is something serious yet and hopefully it won't be. Even if it is then there is a big possibility that it will be treatable.
Do you know when you will be going for the MRI? :hugs::hugs:

19-01-15, 21:23
Hello worried bloke.
What a pants situation to be in. I cant really help as I have never been diagnosed with anything, although I am scared for my hubby who has to go for tests for rectal bleeding, although doc doesnt suspect anything sinister. Anyway, have you gone onto the macmillan website? I know youve not been diagnosed, but they do have people you can call to discuss. And they will be able to offer far more reliable advice than all us panickers:wacko:
We had a friend recently diagnosed with throat cancer and he had op etc. And looked like pants for a bit, but is now fully recovered. I am so chuffed for him. So even if it is bad, never give up and call macmillan. Lots of love.xxx

---------- Post added at 21:23 ---------- Previous post was at 21:20 ----------

Ps. No harm in crying. Its actually good for you when you feel down. Xxxxx

19-01-15, 21:40
I am sorry to hear that you are not doing well.

I do believe there are many many other things except cancer that can cause your symptoms, especially infections, and if your doctor strongly suspected a cancer you would not have to wait weeks...it is just one of many possible causes.

Thanks for your reply.
I will likely have the scan at the end of this week and results maybe a week later (had an MRI before and that was how long it took for me to get results)

---------- Post added at 21:40 ---------- Previous post was at 21:39 ----------

I can understand how this would make you so worried but you don't know for sure that it is something serious yet and hopefully it won't be. Even if it is then there is a big possibility that it will be treatable.
Do you know when you will be going for the MRI? :hugs::hugs:

Hi Annie, thanks for your reply.
They think the scan will be at the end of this week.

19-01-15, 21:40
You must be careful in interpreting "red flag": yes it'll mean a significant number of people with that cancer will report the pain, however this does not mean that the majority (or indeed many) people with that pain have cancer.

Nearly 100% of people who have a heart attack have chest pain. A minuscule percentage of those with chest pain are having a heart attack. Nonetheless certain types of chest pain are still a "red flag" to do a precautionary ECG.

19-01-15, 21:40
Added more info about how I'm feeling in OP.

19-01-15, 21:56
I have just read your addition to the post and you have just jumped from doc saying it could be a red flag to you thinking your life is going to end! Don't jump to the worst case! It may not be cancer and even if it is then most cancers are curable. You really must try not to jump ahead until you get the results. I know how easy it is to think the worst, I have been there myself but it turned out to be worry over nothing.

19-01-15, 23:02
There's a saying on the OC boards. "It ain't cancer until they say it is". Waiting and tests suck but for your family and your own sense of sanity, you have to stay strong. I recall your other post so you know I've been there done that....

Positive thoughts

20-01-15, 00:22
I think "It aint cancer until they say it is" should be the new motto of the HA forum! I like that and will tell it to myself too :)

Sorry you are struggling, that would scare me too. I agree with Serenity with the heart attack example ... couldn't be more right. Sounds like it just means protocol to do another test. Keep us posted!

20-01-15, 18:11
Just here to say sorry ur not feeling well.Be brave and please keep us posting.

21-01-15, 06:46
Sorry to hear that you are having such a bad time right now, and yes we would all be feeling the same as you, but please stay positive the mind is a very powerful thing ( don't we just know it :/)
Like some one just said do not jump the gun take each day as it comes one step at a time, " if" it is cancer, most cancers are curable and they would start treating you ASAP , " if" it is cancer you must tell yourself that you will beat this and imagine the cancer shrinking, but these are all IFS there is a massively high chance that it is not the big C, so before you start making yourself feel worse with worry about what the future holds, you must start to see things a little more positively ( easier said than done, we all know this)
But we are all here to support you, and whatever the outcome is, we are here to help you through it, but god willing ( I know you don't believe in god :) sorry)
Everything will turn out just fine...
As I said we are all here if you need a chat, healing thoughts to you honey x

21-01-15, 08:21
Thanks for all the comments everyone. I really appreciate them. Sorry I haven't replied sooner, just haven't felt like it. Don't feel like it now to be honest but I should keep you updated.

Got the MRI tomorrow at 6pm.

Had worst night of my life last night. When trying to sleep led down, I can really feel this lump and it feels like it's obstructing my breathing. It's terrifying. Took hours to get to sleep and I ended up so anxious and scared that there was no way I could sleep despite trying breathing exercises, meditation apps etc. Even when I did eventually nod off I awoke immediately in a panic. My wife is finding all this difficult to cope with (she has been amazing supporting me for 10 years of Anxiety issues) and she lost it with me in the end.

At some point at 3am I fell asleep and slept OK until this morning (many wake ups). This morning I have woken up with the lump feeling bigger than ever. I'm really scared. It feels like my air 'catches' on it as I breathe in.

I am really concerned about the MRI as I am worried that I will have the choking/breathing feeling during it as I will be led on my back. I will have to be very still. What if I have one of my many coughing fits that this lump feeling is causing?

I find it impossible to believe that this is all anxiety this time. It feels too physical.

I feel so very guilty as, like I said, my wife is finding all this too stressful now as she is snowed under at work and she has a job interview tomorrow. Yesterday she burst into tears at work (not something she would ever do). She's had to cancel her interview as a result :(

21-01-15, 20:21
Please let us know how you are doing? Sometimes doctors throw around the "red flag" terminology without realising the fear this creates.

I hope your MRI results come back asap. You need some answers.

Very best wishes

22-01-15, 00:31
Hope the MRI went ok

22-01-15, 00:46
Hello, just wanted to let you know that I'm feeling for you and hope mri goes well hope there is nothing wrong with you. I know it will be difficult to wait for the results so we're here to help. Let us know how it went. Sending hugs and support.

22-01-15, 18:43
hunni get your little man off to the doctors for some help for his anxieties its so very important his anxiety is treated early bless him, listen you cant help your son catching onto your anxieties god knows my kids did they ddint know i had health anxiety but they knew i had anxiety and my eldest particularyl would be anxious at times more so then normal thankfully soon as realised i address it imediatly and hes now fine :) its not your fault hun your fighting a very tough battle and its so so hard to contain and hide infact id say impossible!! but if you act now and get him some help with his anxiety that would be the best thing for him, has he go grandparents he can go to or aunts and uncles juts for a few hours a week just so you have a chance to talk freely with your other half about your worries without little man hearing and also itd do him good and help take his mind off of his worries xx

23-01-15, 13:15
I hope that the MRI gave you some answers?

23-01-15, 22:42
Just reading this hope all went well

24-01-15, 09:06
You must be careful in interpreting "red flag": yes it'll mean a significant number of people with that cancer will report the pain, however this does not mean that the majority (or indeed many) people with that pain have cancer.

Nearly 100% of people who have a heart attack have chest pain. A minuscule percentage of those with chest pain are having a heart attack. Nonetheless certain types of chest pain are still a "red flag" to do a precautionary ECG.


How did the scan go? I'm due for an endoscopy for similar issues.

24-01-15, 10:32
We're all rooting for you here WorriedBloke! :hugs: I hope your scan went well and I hope, hope, hope you are feeling a little less anxious.

26-01-15, 19:21
NOT cancer! Phew!

I have a slightly enlarged Thyroid, which I already knew about. I also have extremely large jaw muscles lol! Probably from teeth grinding which I do when anxious and also in my sleep. This is likely the reason for my ear pain.

As I have a history of my thyroid levels being slightly off and that that my thyroid is predominantly larger on the side of my throat I am having issues and the fact that my symptoms are getting worse, I am going to have an ultrasound to check an existing thyroid nodule that I had diagnosed before and which they don't think should give these symptoms to see if it's grown.

After the ultrasound, I will have a specialist throat gastroscopy to see if there is any restrictions down there causing my issues.

Anyway, main thing is - no tumor :)

Thanks to all of you for listening and your best wishes - really appreciated.

26-01-15, 19:31
I prayed for you. I wanted so much for you to get a good outcome. I am very very happy for you.

26-01-15, 19:39
:yahoo::yesyes: Great news, really pleased for you.

26-01-15, 20:17
Worried bloke, when I was really down and worried about a medical matter a while back, I rang the hospital and spoke to the secretary, to say how worried I was and how it was makings me il . Maybe you could speak to your doctor to a member of the team, who will be doing your procedure and explain what it's doing to you, sometimes the right word at the right time my help just a thought, keep your chin up,

---------- Post added at 20:17 ---------- Previous post was at 20:14 ----------

Sorry didn't read the replies. Good news now you will feel better what a weight off.

27-01-15, 18:07
Ahhhhh awesome to see you post back!!! :D :D :D

I bet that's one hell of a weight off your shoulders!!
Hehe, the bit about the extremely large jaw muscles made me laugh! I wonder if I have the same thing as I'm a teeth grinder too! XD

I hope you take it easy now. :) <3

27-01-15, 18:43
Yuppppp realy great news "no tumor..... " Time to dance now .
Sending huggggggs for u.

27-01-15, 19:17
So glad no tumor!

28-01-15, 23:26
Great news, congrats. And a lesson to all of us that even when we think it HAS to be something serious it probably isn't!

28-01-15, 23:36
Worriedbloke, it's great news! Hope this was the last worry for you, wish you all the best.