View Full Version : So Many Types Of Seizures Im Scared

20-01-15, 00:03
I have been having electrical feelings across my back again after three years. Maybe because I have been walking more than I have in three years and climbed two sets of stairs the other day..I wake at night feeling it and kind of have related it to exercise..but today I was awaken by an electrical weird feeling up and down my body and partial vibrations here and there all over my body that continues hours after waking up. I also turned my head on my pillow and could hear a distinctive motor in my head.

This all freaked me out. I tried numerous times to go back to sleep and did and it woke me again.I also have been experiencing jerks in my thumbs and fingers when awake off and on. I put it down as just one of those things,
also experiencing jerking while going to sleep.I also haven't done this for a long time. I just posted a thing about being crazy and mood swings and got a reasonable answer but my weird feeling has been about like a doom feeling.

I just did some reading about epilepsy and found that some seizures that you have this doom feeling right before them but doesn't last that long so im thinking anxiety on that but have also been reading about all the different types of seizures you can have and what the outcomes are and why someone that doesn't have epilepsy would have them and now im a little scared. I should not have read them..I should ask my doctor which i am scheduled to see tomorrow probably causing my symptoms of anxiety etc from anxious worry about seeing him but I really didn't know that the things i thought were innocent are indeed seizures of some sort.

20-01-15, 01:46
Have you also read that its possible for someone suffering from anxiety or depression can have something called a Dissociative Seizure? These are not like epileptic ones though. I know someone who suffered one of these due to his high stress job but he is fine now and the advice was to cut down on the stress.

If this is a possibility then you will need a neurologist to check for epilepsy and rule it out and determine this. But was it a seizure?

I've had the electric jerks things in the past but its always been when my anxiety is much higher.

Given your concerns regarding your medication, if might be worth asking if there is any connection or to your other health issues and if not, it's going to be back to the anxiety.

20-01-15, 02:36
Hi Terry,

Thanks for answering.. and its probably down to anxiety and im sure that is what he will tell me...Although I was taking prilosec for acid and stopped it yesterday and today and haven't had that feeling so im guessing if I try the prilosec again and it causes that although the prilosec works good for stomach.. its not worth the feeling but just in case i will give it another chance.. It could be caused by all the other drugs too.. maybe the combinations of them and geez. took a long look at the long list of side effects from each of the meds even prilosec so i would hate to be the one that tried to figure out which was causing what..I think in the end I will have to just write it off as anxiety..I was on a page.. where i was looking up about the electrical feeling.. something epilepsy association page.. It listed the about 15 different types of seizures .some of which I am pretty sure was what I thought fell under just normal things like occassional twitches and night jerks etc.. but they are listed there too. Also didn't realize there were so many types of epilepsy.I always thought it was the thing that someone fell down and started jerking all over and you had to keep them from swallowing their tongue stuff but there are so many different types.. but I didn't know about the kind you mentioned but will read about it..Im sure most of the stuff im dealing with is just plain old anxiety.. I do however have something like a lymph node under the edge of my jaw that extends down my throat..it swells off and on and I think it has been enlarged for many years. Last time my doctor checked my throat my beard was covering it but i feel assured he felt over it but it wasn't large then.I have now shaved that area so he can check it tomorrow..im a little concerned but he is suppose to to complete blood work and such so I guess I will find out one way or the other..im a little nervous here and not wanting to go to the doctor so I hope I get a good night's sleep.Also the feelings I had this morning could have been the way I slept but the weird thing is that when I woke.. everytime it felt like my eye movement was weird all over the place..but then again could be tiredness and waking up to bright sunlight etc etc etc.. thanks again for trying to help and I will look up what you ask me about.

20-01-15, 02:54
I agree with Terry. These jerks and electrical shocks can appear when you have suffered trauma or have too much stress.
It might not be something now, but a build up of events.
My Partner suffers with body jerks when sleeping and I have had parts of my body twitch and electric shocks all over my body including my head. In the end I just ignored them and they slowly faded away. I just get a few now, when I am stressed, worried or nervous.

20-01-15, 03:14
Yeah, its always a minefield when you search for symptoms.

You get a lot of 'funny' heads with anxiety & depression. Its hard to know what is just a symptom of these and what to ask a doctor about... and doctors can be quite vague or dismissive once they know you have anxiety.

I know I've had jerks in my arms & legs. I've had weird pings in my head, sudden violent jerks when lying down which is normally my head of legs when drifting off.

Its a weird symptom. I have also found I experience more nerve related pain that I never had before my anxiety. I've never really researched it but I expect it will be all down to how electrical impulses in the body work, the links between anxiety & inflammation, etc.

It does sound like there is a medication issue then. If you tried it and left it off again and the same happened again, it would seem to be the proof you need. Perhaps you need to change to a similar one that doesn't have these effects?

If it's only recently happened at the time you started this new medication then its either that on it's own or when combined to your others and your older ones are ok if you've not had any issues prior to this, providing you do the test to prove if it is that new one.

Here is a good source for Disassociative Seizures:


I know very little about epilepsy myself and it was only through it happening to someone I know that anyone can have the types. I guess thats why it needs a specialist. I didn't know about different forms but its like everything else, until you go there you never hear about the sub forms just like with the various forms of depression.

20-01-15, 04:22
Hi Terry,

Going to try a few days without it ..so far so good without it..and then try a day with it and see if it comes back. As for the electrical feelings.. I will mark it down as either a pre anxious moment or moments anticipating the doctors office or just a bad night.. We had the windows open last night as usual..always normally a nice breeze blowing.. but not last night ,temp was in the mid 50's and 86 percent humidity so going to sleep wasn't very pleasant and didn't feel really comfortable as i usually do going to sleep so it could have just been one of those nights.. lets hope.. also maybe the meds or could have been this or that..we will try again tonight and see how things go ..Also will go to the link you put there for me.. appreciate it again...hoping that stuff doesn't wake me again in the morning.

semper solus
27-01-15, 14:06
I have Epilepsy so know a great deal about it. Judging by what your putting it does not sound like Epilepsy

28-01-15, 22:28
Thanks Semper and Terry I appreciate it.