View Full Version : "Symptoms" you suspect are serious, but turned out to be kind of funnily wrong!

20-01-15, 08:17
I was in the bath a couple of weeks ago, and I saw that certain parts of the skin my legs and knees were this strange shade of BLUE. I was so scared, thinking what on Earth has happened to me.. what on Earth could this be?!.. my mind was racing and I was pinching and pressing my skin to feel if it felt any different, and then... with a few quick rubs of a sponge and shower gel, I found it was just the blue dye from a brand new pair of jeans I'd got for Christmas had come off on me! :roflmao::oopsie::blink:

Have any of you ever had things like this? I remember a similar story from another HA forum, from a woman who saw this strange, discoloured marking on her arm, but it turned out to be a marking from makeup!

Oh, and I get things like this with gas... Like I will get this awful pain in my stomach, and think of all these horrible illnesses, and then.. well, I fart, and then I feel fine again. :sofa:

20-01-15, 09:19
Oh, and I get things like this with gas... Like I will get this awful pain in my stomach, and think of all these horrible illnesses, and then.. well, I fart, and then I feel fine again. :sofa:
This is me lol :roflmao:

Sometimes we have to see the humorous side of suffering with health anxiety. FUNNILY enough (boom boom!) when I had CBT last week me and my therapist were talking about 'laughing' at things like the intrusive thoughts I get, I find it helps me sometimes.


20-01-15, 10:14
I was in the bath a couple of weeks ago, and I saw that certain parts of the skin my legs and knees were this strange shade of BLUE. I was so scared, thinking what on Earth has happened to me.. what on Earth could this be?!.. my mind was racing and I was pinching and pressing my skin to feel if it felt any different, and then... with a few quick rubs of a sponge and shower gel, I found it was just the blue dye from a brand new pair of jeans I'd got for Christmas had come off on me! :roflmao::oopsie::blink:

Haha, I did exactly that too! I also had a "strange feeling in my leg" turned out to be my trousers bunching up weird. :blush:

I have had little freak outs getting out of the bath sometimes too, when I've spotted a big pink rash! - I have pale skin and the bath was a bit hot... :roflmao:

20-01-15, 10:26
Pink streaks down legs.. Blood poisoning? Infection? Freaked out... Realised had been walking in rain in pink skirt and colour had run :roflmao::roflmao::wacko:

20-01-15, 10:33
I once had a meltdown that all these horrible stretch marks appeared on my back.... turns out it was the sofa's imprint from lying down! LOL!!

20-01-15, 11:08
I ate some beetroot quite a few years back, not something I have very often.

Day later went to the toilet and thought there was blood in there. Turned out to be the beetroot.

20-01-15, 11:32
Yep, I thought my veins were black at one point. Proper looked like it.

20-01-15, 14:26
Had the beetroot incidence as well. Funny story, I drank concentrated beet juice for two days, I went to the toilet in the morning and it was red all over down the toilet. I got so scared that I called 111 and they sent an ambulance, I didn't believe it was beet juice until I had a colonoscopy :S

20-01-15, 14:42
Yes I got a fright when I had my last blip just before Christmas.
Anxiety had come back in and was feeling sick, went the local chemist and asked for Motilium but was told prescription only now. She recommended Pepto Bismal tablets.

Took them and ended up with black poo!!! Panicked I phoned surgery for appointment for GP but line was busy, in the meantime read the back of the box 'make cause darkening of the stool' !!!! (poo):doh:. I was so glad the GP surgery's phone was busy!!!

20-01-15, 15:41
This is a great thread!!

I've got a couple of good'uns:

1. Panicking because I'd found a 'new mole' and realising it was chocolate

2. Thinking that the bottom of my foot felt different/numb and it turned out I had a bit of sellotape stuck to my foot!

3. Seeming to get bruises in the same weird place on arm and then realised it was where I kept bumping into bannister!

Definitely have some more! Probably doesn#t help having HA & being clumsy! x

20-01-15, 16:58
WEnt into a panic to the doctor's with yellow fingers. Turns out what I thought was sun tan lotion had been fake tan!

20-01-15, 17:17
I was in bed and felt a really hot sensation coming from my foot. I was terrified thought my foot was bleeding or something weird was happening inside my foot them remembered I had put a hot water bottle down there :(((((

20-01-15, 17:27
I've got another one! 6 months pregnant with pain on right side of abdomen. Went to A & E and they suspect appendicitis. Moved to surgical receiving ward for ultrasound and probably surgery next morning.
Wait 6 hours for consultant to come around, during which time I nip to the loo.
Pain disappears.. I have to tell consultant I needed a poo and am fine now :ohmy: :roflmao:

21-01-15, 11:20
Loving this thread, keep it going!

I was sleeping on the settee with blankets looking after the family dog as he wasn't too well one night and kept having a strange skin crawling sensation down one leg. I scratched it a few things but it just wouldn't go so I thought my skin problems were flaring up. I tried to ignore it but it kept happening. A while later I decided to go put some cream on and when I pulled the blanket away, a large spider fell out dead!

I just hoped it wasn't finding somewhere warm & damp to leave an egg sack 'behind' :blush::winks::D

It's not a scary one but it did make me laugh.

21-01-15, 14:42
Loving this thread, keep it going!

I was sleeping on the settee with blankets looking after the family dog as he wasn't too well one night and kept having a strange skin crawling sensation down one leg. I scratched it a few things but it just wouldn't go so I thought my skin problems were flaring up. I tried to ignore it but it kept happening. A while later I decided to go put some cream on and when I pulled the blanket away, a large spider fell out dead!

I just hoped it wasn't finding somewhere warm & damp to leave an egg sack 'behind' :blush::winks::D

It's not a scary one but it did make me laugh.

Oh my goodness!! I hate spiders!!:scared15:

22-01-15, 20:44
This is great. If we cant laugh sometimes at our HA we might go insane! Anyways, lost a good amount of weight. Saw a lump in the center of my throat. ( I am a guy) Was convinced I had thyroid cancer, started freaking out, wife looked at me and laughed and said it was my adam's apple. :shades:

22-01-15, 21:16
This is brilliant. I have many. Here's a few:
Black patch inside cheek caused 24hrs of panic due to fear of cancer. Awoke next day to find blood blister from biting cheek had burst.
Stomach illness - turned out I was full.
Found a lump in my testicle so had ultrasound. Turned out it WAS my testicle.
Suspected brain problem due to odd things with my eyes. Turns out I need glasses now I'm older.

I have honestly lost count of the number of things I've stressed over.

I think this really helps and I hope no one thinks we are being dismissive of their worries.

---------- Post added at 21:11 ---------- Previous post was at 21:06 ----------

This is great. If we cant laugh sometimes at our HA we might go insane! Anyways, lost a good amount of weight. Saw a lump in the center of my throat. ( I am a guy) Was convinced I had thyroid cancer, started freaking out, wife looked at me and laughed and said it was my adam's apple. :shades:

Livkid. Sounds like your wife and mine have a similar approach. :D.

Here's another one. Paniced over very dark poo. Then remembered I'd eaten a bag of licorice.

---------- Post added at 21:16 ---------- Previous post was at 21:11 ----------

WEnt into a panic to the doctor's with yellow fingers. Turns out what I thought was sun tan lotion had been fake tan!

That is a good one. What did the doc say, was he/she kind ?

22-01-15, 21:20
These are great and really helping to make me smile. I have not yet got any funny scenarios just yet anyway.

Keeping them coming folks

22-01-15, 21:45
Found a lump in my testicle so had ultrasound. Turned out it WAS my testicle.

This made me laugh so hard, I'm still laughing. Thank you, I'm just going through the worst time because of my HA and this just made my day :)

22-01-15, 23:52
Thats good Flip.. too funny..

23-01-15, 01:57
I wondered why my feet had turned black! It turned out to be a new pair of socks and the dye had run.
Also had blue legs when I got in the bath and turned out to be dye from my jeans.
Brown mark on my arm, piece of chocolate.
White spot on my face, fluff from my jumper.
Cold feeling round my lower back, vest had come out of my jeans.
Bleeding from my mouth, lipstick smudged.
Pain in my foot, something stuck in the bottom of my shoe...........

23-01-15, 12:05
It helps me no end to share my stories. It is good to know that I may have eased your stresses just a little as sometimes that little bit it all it takes to set the trend back in the right direction. Right now I have a number of symptoms such as tired/achy limbs and I KNOW they are just the result of a particularly stressy day yesterday. I COULD easily make them into something but I'm NOT going to.

30-01-15, 15:12
I just remembered. I found these weird orange bumps inside my cheeks and went to see my dentist asap. It turned out that they were my salivary glands...

30-01-15, 15:40
I was in an Arab country with very spicy food. From day two I had stomach problems, or maybe I should say bathroom problems. I alternated between constipation and diarrhea! OMG! The most typical symptom of bowel cancer!

I was totally panicking.

Then I got back home and everything turned normal. It was just the spicy food! I can't believe I did not even see that as an option!:doh: