View Full Version : Panic all the time

20-01-15, 11:39
Not feeling my best today shaking AGAIN headaches and sick feeling keep thinking the worst I wanna scream and mk it go away for good nobody seems to want to help me or understand 😞

Dan Wales
21-01-15, 20:23
I know where your coming from. If you ever want to talk I am here.

21-01-15, 21:44
I know how you feel. This is wk10 since anxiety decided to turn my life upside down! I did get to the point my doc started me on 30mg cymbalta but after two days it made me so so sick that I stopped it and a couple of days after that I thought I was on a win because my anxiety disappeared. No more of anything and felt completely back to normal was able to do anything with ease, had my appetite back etc....this lasted 2wks...until 4 days ago!

I've had that weird buzzing feeling in my chest but no racing heart, weird feeling in head maybe lightheaded I always just call it dizzy and I feel heightened anxiety when out shopping etc and can tell as my pupils dilate and go huge. I'm so over it, I want it to go away! I hate it and have had enough I just want to feel normal. It doesn't bother me as much as it did previously cos I know nothing will happen but it frustrates me beyond words and I too just wanna scream and for it to go away forever.

23-01-15, 14:55
Cheers guys it's frustrating tht it can control your life so much I feel that people can see me shaking , Evan a hard swallow mks me panic and I just sit bk n think why me why now what's changed ???? I have no answers just so Tierd and worn out n wish I could function without medication ��