View Full Version : Lypth nodes all over neck

20-01-15, 14:17
Hi. I always thought lypth nodes where meaning less until i was told cancer can link to them. I have at least 5 of them on my neck (pea sized lumps under the skin) Also my larger glands under chin seem to large. Also 1 in arm pit. These have been like this for almost 2 years. Should i be worried about this?

Note im 17 very skinny (could it be there normal size?)

Any help will be great thanks

20-01-15, 14:29
I don't think you should be worried, I have a swollen lymph node in my groin and my doctor told me he's not worried as I'm thin and lymph nodes can be more prominent in thin people. He wants to keep an eye on it though. You said the one in your arm pit hasn't changed size in 2 years? It's a good sign, if it was something sinister it would be huge by now. Lymph nodes can swell even when a minor infection's going on. If they are mobile and smaller than 1-1.5 cm, you shouldn't be worried but you should get them checked by a doctor just in case.

20-01-15, 14:35
You said the one in your arm pit hasn't changed size in 2 years?
They all havent changed in 2 years. Im able to move them around and lift them up so they are mobile you could say.

Thank you for that makes me feel alot better.
Getting them checked out tomorrow :yesyes:

20-01-15, 14:36
Pea sized are "normal" nodes.

Positive thoughts

20-01-15, 14:44
Glad I could help, I'm sure you'll get the all clear tomorrow, good luck and take care :)