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View Full Version : Head/Earaches

20-01-15, 15:52
Hi Guys,

Last Friday I had a really bad pain all through one side of my jaw/head, it didn't feel like head pain and after going to our of hours doctors and to dentist it turned out to be my ear (impacted ear wax)

The problem is, ever since this happened I keep getting sharp stabbing pains in the right side of my head above the ear (When I open my jaw, a muscle moves in this area).

It's really painful, all I can think about is aneurysms, AGAIN.
My headaches have never truly gone away but this hurts like hell, and seems to hurt more when I move a certain way.

I've been an idiot and have been reading up true stories about aneurysms, this hasn't made me more anxious but has made me start thinking about what it would be like and what I would do if it happened. To be honest, I've already convinced myself that I am going to die this year!

Can anyone share their views, and maybe try and help me understand further?

20-01-15, 21:15
I am having a very similar problem right now.

Mine started with a controlable clicking in my left ear. Now a few months later the clicking persists and I keep getting stabbing pains around my ear and eye.

Today the doctor perscribed me some penicillin and I am hoping that will clear it up.