View Full Version : Freak Out ! Lymph Node Up And Down During Day And Evening

21-01-15, 03:14
I was suppose to go to the doctors today but they called and rescheduled it for tomorrow. That is kind of nerve racking since I anticipated going today and getting it over with..didn't happen now i have to wait and worry all evening again till tomorrow.

I have a lymph node that is from the edge of my jaw that goes down my throat towards my adams apple..If i measure it with my fingers it is like a circle about 2cm. I think from what I feel its hard and immovable .I don't have fever and haven't since I have had it but there is something weird going on with it..It seems to get larger at certain times during the day and then at other times it seems to get smaller..my wife looks at it all the time and notices it..When i lean my head a certain way it kind of hurts. On that
side i think i have an ear infection and also my throat feels a little sore and my tooth on that side was abscessed about a month ago but no more.

So there are plenty of reasons why it is swollen if it is a lymph node. I am worried because someone told me they could swell and cut off your breathing and your swallowing..So far i guess I have been lucky but im wondering .. this is my only lymph node that is swollen and I have no others swollen anywhere on me. i don't think its glandular fever or stone or an aneurism on the main artery there because there is no pulse in it.But the fact that it goes up and down makes me wonder what is going on.

I know tomorrow the doctor will know but in the meantime i worry about what it could be and what it could do.. once again no fever and for the most part no pain but every once in awhile. Would anyone know why it would go up and down that fast?

21-01-15, 08:17
Please somebody answer..geez with everybody freaking out about lymph nodes on here .. yes count the number of post just in the last few months..so one must have something to say about what I posted?

22-01-15, 01:17

Thanks for writing and I hope that is the case. I went to the doctor's today and he asked me what I was there for. I said I think I have a swollen lymph node and he said Yeah...I can see it from across the room. He examined it and ask if I had any fever or any other nodes on me anywhere. I ask him what it could be from and the first thing he said was oh....among ex smokers there is a lot of mouth and throat cancers and salivary gland cancers but i don't know it could be from cold, flu,sinus,dental...who knows and he felt and said its pretty good size..im sending you to an ent and start you antibotics...Ok..freak out.. he took blood and urine and sending me to an ent tomorrow and after leaving the doctor's the lab called and said they dropped the label for my blood so could i come back tomorrow because of they lost my blood.Since I was seeing an ent there tomorrow I told them no problem but i was worried about whether or not something would show up in my blood and they didn't have it the whole time but they did have a urine sample..could they tell if i had something through that? My doctor put me on clindamycin since im alergic to pencillin and I start taking it today..I hope it isn't too rough on my stomach since it is known for that.. it is used for all kinds of things ,malaria, and just about anything that ails you including ache..Anyway my wife had her blood done to and they called when we got home again and the doctor said he called her in some antibotics as she had a kidney infection of some kind that he didn't know what it was or how long she had it ..so when it rains it pours...I am hoping that my node is like yours.. it was huge to me today but seems to be going down now in the evening.. I hope mine turns out to be nothing..I hate going to see another doctor tomorrow and if he wants to put things down my throat or nose or anything oh well he isn't ..

---------- Post added at 17:17 ---------- Previous post was at 17:16 ----------

By the way thanks for the info.. it makes me have a glimmer of hope.. :-)

26-01-15, 05:54
This thing is freaking me out.. When I wake in the morning ,its almost like it isn't even there and then in the evening it starts showing up and my jaw and ear feels tight. I am taking a super strong antibiotic especially for whatever this is and it seems to be working but it scares me with it seeming to swell back up some at night or evening . I just want it to go away but feel like on the right side of throat that hurts a bit when i swallow...now im worried about throat cancer..but I was just in the hospital about three months ago and they did everything to test my blood for everything..I am just about to lose it because I don't ever have fever or any other real symptoms...My worry is whether it is a salivary gland swelling or just a lymph node..My doctor said it seemed like a little salivary gland problem but then it seems more like a lymph node issue..I have to go tomorrow and get blood work done and I haven't had any done in three months and worried that something is going to show up since I had blood work done three months ago..this is like a nightmare .. I just want it all to go away..