View Full Version : Newbie here!

21-01-15, 07:59
Hi everyone just found this forum haven't what it is really but I'm willing to learn from what I can see we're all in the same boat or similar ones! I'm here for my health anxiety/depression/ all round general anxiety witch I've had for over 4 years now I'm 21 soon to be 22 and I've had enough! I've just plucked up the courage Monday the 19th jan to be exact to get help from my doctor! I've been a few times but they never seemed to listen and just fob me off! This time she sort of listen and gave me a leaflet about something called (lift) and some anti depression tablets called escitalopram! Because of my health anxiety I'm pretty much terrified to take the tablets as with every other tablet I've be prescribed! I had a bad experience with some anti depression tablets a few years ago I took one and it made me feel horrible as if I as on drugs, gurning shaking feeling sick it was the worst!! So now I don't take anything because I'm scared I will die if I take them! I would really love anyone's help and advise because I can no longer live like this! I had my boy when I was 17 I am now 21 soon i am starting college then have to start work I've never worked because of the anxiety I am so scared! I just want a happy normal mummy for my boy not constantly sat in the house afraid to leave! Please if help with your thoughts and ideas! It is very very much appreciated!

21-01-15, 08:04
Hiya Nicole201017 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

21-01-15, 10:50
Hi Nicole, welcome to NMP, I used to suffer from bad panic attacks and was scared to leave the house as well, I am much better now, you can get better and lead a normal life. ALAN

21-01-15, 15:55
hi nicole, i suffer from panic attacks, insomnia, agoraphobia for about 7 years now, if you would like a chat send me message

22-01-15, 12:26
Hey :)
Reading your story was scary for me- I had the exact same problem when doctors put me on anti depressants, heart was racing, I was shaking and had a terrifying few days and now I get extremely scared taking even paracetamol! My doctor has changed my medication now, I still get worried taking it but I know the only side effect is weight gain which doesn't worry me. Make sure you tell your doctor of your past experience and how you worry about taking medication- this made my doctor choose something for me with no prominent side effects. I take medication that is one table that works on anxiety an depression; its not extremely strong but for me was my only option and saw me through some really horrible times. I still suffer with extreme anxiety but it helps slightly.

Good luck, hope ll goes well :)

25-01-15, 12:18
Thank you for the warm welcome guys :D

28-01-15, 21:49
Hi Nicole. Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you'll benefit from being here, just as I have.