View Full Version : feeling desperate

21-01-15, 13:03
So lasr week I found a tiny lump on my left breast. I have been referred to the breast clinic and I go next week but I just can't cope with the anxiety I now feel. I can't eat, sleep,have been throwing up and I just cant cope anymore. Ive asked for my appointment to be moved forward but they can't. I have young children and I can't even look at them without crying. Im sobbing right now! I have never been this low before even though I have suffered with health anxiety for a few years now. Somebody please help me :(

Dan Wales
21-01-15, 17:42
I am sorry that you have to wait for your appointment. Try taking deep breaths. And breath slow. If you ever want to talk I am here.

21-01-15, 20:42
Thank u both of u. I know thr chances are that its something less serious but at the minute I feel fixated on it being cancer I am an absolutel mess I wish I could just think rationally for once :( xx

21-01-15, 21:06
I too found a lum - well I didn't , the doctor did. Weirdly I had gone for a well woman check. While the go was doing a manual exam she found a lump she wasn't happy with. I was booked for a mammogram at the clinic but she refused to let me have it as it was only for 'well woman!' I was beside myself. I had to go and c=see my GP that afternoon. She referred me to the clinic and I went 3 days later. I had a physical exam, a mammogram and an ultrasound. They found nothing - just said I had 'lumpy' breasts. I was absolutely petrified. Cried, threw up just like you. At the clinic they said vast majority of referrals are negative. Try to keep positive and wait til next week. Ask what you want at the appointment. I found they were very willing to explain and talk.

22-01-15, 10:01
Thank you so much its good to vent to people who understand! I don't have anybody to talk to as I think people just think im crazy and worry far too much. I just wish it was this time next week and I knew what it was x