View Full Version : Can feel health anxiety coming back...

21-01-15, 15:35
I've recently moved to a new area. Been here almost two weeks, I moved to be with my long distance boyfriend, we will be together a year in March.
Anyway, I've left my friends, family and everything I know behind me.
I feel very brave and it's been reasonably okay so far but I'm on my own a lot as he works full time and I am still waiting for my agency work to start. I'm by myself from 8am to 5:30pm everyday, apart from the weekend.

The result of this is, I am beginning to worry about my health again. Was diagnosed and treated for a UTI on Saturday - which wasn't a great start to the proceedings.
Since then, I've had various aches and pains in that area, also suffering from IBS because of stress, I usually have a flare up if I am anxious.
I hate doctors and anything medical and especially being away from home, Im scared to go back again as I've convinced myself it must be something worse and more serious.
I have no one to go with as he is at work, as I previously mentioned. There's nobody else I can go with...any advice or words of reassurance and comfort would be great :( feeling quite lonely, isolated and scared at the moment.

21-01-15, 16:39
Hello lovely,

Wow, I could have written this myself... six months ago I moved to London to be with my long distance bf, was diagnosed with a UTI, had IBS flare up and developed a serious case of HA...

I spoke to my doctor who said that it's very common with a change of situation so don't beat yourself up.

I don't know how long you've suffered so sorry if you've heard all this before but the best advice I can offer is don't bottle it up, the best thing I did was talk it out with my bf, friends and family.

Journalise - how ever often you feel you need to to keep realistic thoughts in order.

Excercise, eat well and look into mindfulness - this has really helped me.

You have a fantastic new start to embrace and enjoy - go for it, relax, smile and enjoy your new life with your boy

Good luck xxxx

22-01-15, 10:44
Hello lovely,

Wow, I could have written this myself... six months ago I moved to London to be with my long distance bf, was diagnosed with a UTI, had IBS flare up and developed a serious case of HA...

I spoke to my doctor who said that it's very common with a change of situation so don't beat yourself up.

I don't know how long you've suffered so sorry if you've heard all this before but the best advice I can offer is don't bottle it up, the best thing I did was talk it out with my bf, friends and family.

Journalise - how ever often you feel you need to to keep realistic thoughts in order.

Excercise, eat well and look into mindfulness - this has really helped me.

You have a fantastic new start to embrace and enjoy - go for it, relax, smile and enjoy your new life with your boy

Good luck xxxx

Thank you for replying to me.

It does sound as though we are very similar! It's scary because I feel so far away from home and the familiar things I know.
I probably do need to go back to the walk in clinic, as I'm not sure the UTI has completely gone. But I'm terrified of going by myself.

I've suffered with HA for many years, on and off. I do talk to my family and boyfriend about it, but I think my parents especially, are fed up of it because of the years it's been going on. But sometimes I'm worried that I ignore something and put it down to "anxiety" when it may actually be real.

I'm mostly worried of going to a GP down here and they carry out tests and investigations on me and find out I have something terrible or have to rush me to the accident and emergency department.

22-01-15, 12:33

Just wanted to tell you that I am in the same situation. Maybe even worse than yours as my whole family is in another country. I'm in my final year of Uni and can't even start to write my dissertation. Boyfriend comes home at 6 pm and I'm all alone all day. Worrying about my health and being convinced I have some sort of cancer or neurological illnesses all the time.

Starting to work will help you and until then you can always message me if you want to talk to somebody. I know how hard it is to be alone and when HA worries come it's too hard to distract yourself.

My HA is the opposite, I need reassurence from doctors all the time, I'm at my Gp clinic once a week, I always want to have tests, scans, blood work, I would even have a surgery if it will give me a diagnosis. I think the root of my problem lies in my control issues. Not knowing kills me.

Don't do what I do because there is no ending to this but don't avoid doctors all together either. There is a healthy balance here and we can do it.

Hope you feel better soon x