View Full Version : muscle spasm's breathing problem.and google

21-01-15, 23:45
Iv had breathing problems for 3 months my holter monitor results have come back fine I had a lung xray in Feb 2014 which was fine and also bloods are good .
Accept in this 3 months I have also devolped muscle spasms everywhere base of foot ,toes where they move,cheeks,lips,back/spine also if I bend a certain way I shake .
I noticed my leg shaking started in July 2014 it was when I bent over to wash my hair my leg would shake and ache and shake like 30 minutes after too then now I still get legs pains I also feel my legs and arms are weak in genre I feel weak I don't know if this is because I weight so little /lack of exercise I just don't know I'm so scared I Google and I'm back onto als I forgot to mention the twiches/spasms to my doxtor they are not painful I can see my neck doing it and cheek ect when I look in the mirror and I slap it or push down cause it scares me and I want it to stop it's like deep down I know I have als /mnd ! I don't have panic attacks anymore just these horrible thoughts it's awful I also since last year been regutating food / trouble swallowing again I just put it down to Gerd or something but now it's all adding up I have als/mnd 😭 can you get muscle twitches all over and everyday around 50+ and breathing problems from.anything else ? I'm scared to Google again

21-01-15, 23:53
Oh I'm so sorry you're feeling this way, I am so sorry because I'm on the same boat. I am so scared of als at the moment and convinced myself I have it so I know how terrifying it is.
Don't make the same mistake I made and do not google, really, ever, I know how much of a compulsion it is but now I'm so terrifyed that I feel like I will have a panic attack any minute.
From what I know, when you have twitches with Als it means that muscles are already dying. So clinical weakness and muscle atrophy come first and than twitching. If you have twitching in your neck you musthave difficulty moving it.
I guess you saw a gp, what did they say?

23-01-15, 23:12
Really I never heard of that before I go to doctors and forget to mention it I know it sounds crazy but there always focused on how my anxiety is doing ect I suppose they push me out the door to fast do you have like a vibrating flutter feeling it just made my arm acually move and I felt it travel from down my head I'm really freaking out again at the minute I feel light headed and with these vibrations /flutters all over I can't cope I don't even think about them the just come on

24-01-15, 00:03
Yes I have them all over, even my tongue twitches and feel extremely weak as well. It's so weird like when I resd your posts I know for sure you don't have anything serious going on, you're fine and it's just anxiety but can't say the same thing for myself.

30-01-15, 22:32
That's the thing I'm sure I could try and reassure you for having the same symtoms accept I'll be sat here myself like but I'm. Not ok lol odd how the mind works but you have helped me a lot x

31-01-15, 00:45
Hi star22!
I've been having very similar issues, and also for the past 3 months which is even weirder LOL I started with head pressure and breathlesness and then one day the spasms on my feet, then calves, then knees and eventually all over my body. I also searched google and found out about this disease. Please don't use google. It's very harmful. I went to a neurologist and he did not seem concerned about it at all, but when you search for spasms or any symptom usually the first result will be something fatal.

31-01-15, 00:48
I'm glad I could help you. I agree with percythetrain, do not google.
I wrote this before on other threads, we google because we think we can be in control if we know. However, we are not doctors so we misinterpret thing we read.
I stopped googling all together for 2-3 days now. Already feeling better.
I'm here whenever you need someone to talk to x

31-01-15, 03:31
I have muscle spasms all the time also, my doctor said they can be caused from anxiety. Muscle spasms are really common, Ive been having twitching in random places for the past few months. Als is really rare, it's probably just anxiety! Feel better:)