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View Full Version : Ribs and sore throat issue

22-01-15, 16:28
Hi everyone.

I hope you can help me stop worrying about this! I had an anxiety episode about 2 years ago, and since that if i have a sniffle I get horrifically anxious about my health. I've been to the doctors about some really routine things.

Anyway, I have had a bad throat this week and have been very health conscious because of this. I went on google, worst thing you can do.. and came out with every diagnosis from just a sore throat to cancer... anyway, because of this I started checking my body and noticed that i had a swelling in front of my bottom left side rib which didn't match the other side. I felt sick and panicked immediately thinking I had a tumour which was pushing my ribs out, but on closer inspection noticed that my left ribcage is slightly more prominent than my right and is slightly lower down and this swelling appeared to be from my bottom rib. Now i've always had bad alignment, as a former dancer my tutors made me very aware of it. I have naturally bad posture from learning to walk strangely and I try very hard to fix it.

Anyway, because of my sore throat (it feels like i had ulcers back there and a stabbing sensation when I swallowed, plus a tickly cough) I went to the doctors on tuesday since it started on sunday. Whilst there I brought up my strange rib issue, and the doctor inspected me very closely, by pushing around my torso and feeling my organs, then checked my lungs and said i have nothing to worry about, people aren't symmetrical and it's fairly common. Then she said I had nothing more than a common sore throat which will go in a few days. For most people this would be a good enough diagnosis, but nope.. not for me.. and i dont know why! I've never seen this dr before as she is new to my practice, but she gave me no reason not to trust her but I still keep wondering if I should go and see another dr (i have no reason to, i am in no pain and experiencing no additional symptoms! I know this but for some reason i'm working myself up still!)

My sore throat is much better today (it seems to come back at night but I wasn't treating it much yesterday because I was worried about becoming reliant on ibuprofen), but I still called NHS 111 this morning to check with a clinician there. She said that she'd had a bad throat for 3 weeks, and is only just over it so i should try not to worry. All day i've been checking my temperature and I read that ulcers in the throat are a bad thing, but my dr never said anything to me about it when she checked my throat. I am working myself up, perhaps needlessly. I also keep checking my ribs and I'm starting to convince myself that the 'swelling' which I was told was just a rib, is sinister.

I'm driving myself insane! I should probably add I have had no pain at all from my rib and my throat seems to be abating a little, what's wrong with me?!