View Full Version : Worried im about to have a heart attack...

The Fatty
22-01-15, 17:11
Hi All, I'm currently going crazy thinking that I am going to die from sudden death related to my heart failing. Basically at the beginning of last week I start noticing that I was feeling very fatigued and was feeling out of breath after doing simple things like walking up the stairs etc. Then one morning I started getting pain in my shoulders and neck, along with shortness of breath (although I didn't have any trouble taking a breath, it felt like there was no oxygen in the air to breath if that make sense). I called the dr and he called an ambulance for me. When they came my pulse was very high (140+) and my blood pressure was high at 180/100. They took me into A&E which then did an ECG and bloodtest, which apparently came back all ok but advised me to make an appointment with my dr which I did. My dr then got me to do another full bloodtest to see if I had any deficiencies. He found I have a vit D and folic acid deficiency. Anyway, I still keep getting pains in my chest, shoulders and arms (which can get worse with exerciser), I explained this to my dr last time I saw him as the night before I had a very bad burning in my chest which started before I ate anything and lasted most of the night but was gone by morning. HE did another ECG at my request which was apparently all ok. He gave me some ranitidine to take away the burning, which im not sure has done anything or not as I do still get the burning every so often but its hasnt lasted as long.

Anyway I'm basically still terrified that i'm going to drop dead from a heart attack in the near future. I have started doing some walking in the day as I am not a very active person, just 20 to 30mins on average. Everyone keps telling me its just anxiety but i'm still convinced its a heart attack just waiting to happen. I feel very low all the time and even tearfull at times. I'm wondering what people opinions on here are? Am I heading for a heart attack or am I suffering from anxiety?

Just to sum up what I have been feeling:

Started with feeling out of breath when doing simple things like walking up the stairs

had shortness of breath and ache/pain in my shoulders/neck - pulse and blood pressured measured by paramedic and was both high

Continued feeling out of breath systems since

Have had pains in my chest, many different places and types from short stabbing pains to longer lasting burning pains.

have had 2 ECG's and a bloodtest which indicates I haven't had a heart attack *yet*

have been feeling very low and like death is waiting for me, and very tearful at times.

have been getting heart palpitations and I swear I have an irregular heartbeat. Its definitely very unstable as it ranges from 60bpm to 100bpm quite easily even when at rest. Pulse goes upto 130 when doing things like walking up the stairs etc.

blood pressure is normally running around 120/80 since my first hospital trip.

have started walking for 30mins a day but my chest / shoulders etc give me pains during this time.

am 28 / male. Dr thinks I'm not having a heart attack but has referred me to a cardiologist (but that not a another 2 weeks).

help! :weep: if more info needed please let me know.

22-01-15, 17:35
I'm so sorry you have to go through this horrible experience, but at the same it's somewhat reassuring for me to know I'm not completely alone or bonkers.

What you described is, almost word for word, exactly what I've been going through for the past few weeks.

Chest, arm and neck pains that come and go, but especially when I move around. It takes no more than walking for a minute or two before the dull radiating ache sets in.

Feeling like my body isn't getting any air.

Pounding heart, dizziness from walking up the two floors of stairs to my flat.

I've visited 3 doctors and done 3 ECG's with bloodworks over the past months with no signs of heart trouble, but no more invasive tests.

I'm 30 and male.

The doctors I've seen and my parents insist I'll be fine and need to treat my anxiety instead of my heart. I just can't feel reassured that these extremely physical sensations can be caused by stress/anxiety.

Now I'm waiting 5 weeks to perform an exercise ECG and I'm convinced I'm going to fall to the ground and die any minute.

I wish I had a better answer for you, but I'm busy searching for it my self at the moment.

23-01-15, 02:40
I understand where you're coming from, in October/November of last year, my heart anxiety came back; I was worried I was going to collapse/die, constant palpatations, pains in chest, dizziness. So I got an ECG done, the nurse that carried the test out actually told me I was crazy to be so young and worry about my heart (I'm 21! :lac:)

Anyway, she told me it would be later that day I would get results, so I waited and waited and waited, and as you guessed, my results didn't come back, immediately I panicked, i thought I must have a major heart condition and they're examining everything to find out if they can help me, it came to 2 weeks and still no word back, then I really thought about it, surely if there was something drastically wrong, they wouldn't have even let me leave the doctors, let alone leave it 2 weeks to get back to me! Anyway, they got back to me 3 weeks later, to tell me I've nothing to worry about.

How does this relate to your story? If your doctor had ANY issues, your Cardiologist appointment would be 2 hours rather than 2 weeks!