View Full Version : Insect bites - bleeding under the skin

22-01-15, 21:15

So I have recently had some insect bites on my neck which caused my lymph nodes to swell and then I got a bite on my leg. I scratched the bite as it was extremely itchy, I know I shouldn't have but I did. It's now very red and looks as though it has bled under the skin.

I also got a really weird feeling in my brain today felt like an electric shock and I am so paranoid that the insect bite has got infected and is now travelling through my blood stream up into my brain. I know my health anxiety is blowing all of this way out of proportion I hope. I really don't want to have to call 111 and be a nuisance.

Any advice would be hugely appreciated

22-01-15, 22:25
That feeling in your brain is anxiety. We all get insect bites, I had what I thought were flea bites about 2-3 months ago and they are still itchy because I can't stop scratching them. My boyfriend had them too and his just disappeared because he didn't scratch. Calm down, you are fine :)

22-01-15, 22:29
My boyfriend doesn't seem to get the bites, only me. Are hives itchy? Maybe they are hives as I am so stressed

22-01-15, 22:36
Yeah there are so many different types of hives and they can be very itchy. Have you been to your gp for this reason? I've had an allergy test lately and I'm waiting for the results. You know about my lymphoma fears, since I have another (and much worse) fear now, I'm less itchy, even my scars are disappearing.

22-01-15, 23:18
You have lymphoma fear too, I went to my docs on Monday about it as I got insect bites on my neck and it caused my lymph nodes to swell up I also have one above my collar bone.

HA is such a cruel illness

22-01-15, 23:36
Yeah I remember you writing under my thread about lymphoma, I got over the fear now as I have a new one :/ So tiringand frustrating. I still have a swollen lymph node in my groin but I simply don't care about lymphoma anymore.

22-01-15, 23:47
Yeah I remember you writing under my thread about lymphoma, I got over the fear now as I have a new one :/ So tiringand frustrating. I still have a swollen lymph node in my groin but I simply don't care about lymphoma anymore.

I have had tight muscles and spasms and muscle weakness and I have seen a chiropractor, acupuncturist, spine specialist, doctor the lot and all results come back normal I was convinced for so long I had ms or something along those lines and I couldn't understand why I wasn't getting better. Believe it or nit it is due to stress, anxiety, bad posture and sitting at my desk for too long. I do understand how you feel but I assure you my symptoms have been going on for 18 months and I'm okay.

22-01-15, 23:54
Thank you for helping me really, we are on your thread now we should talk about your worries. You are very nice and I'm sure insect bites are just insect bites and they will do no harm other tha being itchy.

22-01-15, 23:59
Thank you for helping me really, we are on your thread now we should talk about your worries. You are very nice and I'm sure insect bites are just insect bites and they will do no harm other tha being itchy.

I hope you are right and the bleeding under the skin is simply because I scratched the bite within an inch of it's life and therefore have bruised myself.mi just hope I don't get anymore come up I don't think I could cope with anything else at the moment

23-01-15, 00:05
My legs are all covered with scars as I scratch them all the time, mosquitoes didn't leave me alone the whole summer and I had bleeding under skin kind of bruises as well. You shouldn't be worried at all :)

23-01-15, 00:06
My legs are all covered with scars as I scratch them all the time, mosquitoes didn't leave me alone the whole summer and I had bleeding under skin kind of bruises as well. You shouldn't be worried at all :)

Thank you my dear. I just find it weird that I have been bitten but I guess it has been a rather mild winter until recently :shades: