View Full Version : chest pains can anyone help?

22-01-15, 21:16
Right so I've had anexity for almost 2 years now I've been slowly getting better but every time I get there something else crops up... wonder if anyone can help with this for the past week I've been getting a sharp pain in my chest usually on the right side but have had it on the left too.. anyway its when I breathe in it almost takes your breathe away lasts seconds and the only way to get rid of it is to take a deep breathe then I feel like a popping sensation and it's gone. Hard to explain kinda like filling a baloon with air then popping it agen... can anyone advise me on what this could be? Should I worry? Do I need to see the doctor I don't wana go if I don't need to don't really want to waste there time... Thanks in advance xxx