View Full Version : spacey feeling

22-01-15, 22:24
the last year or so ive had a dizzy spacey feeling that seems to be getting worse. I wouldnt say its depersonalisation, it feels as though im vacant. When doing an activity for example i feel sort of tired and out of it, like im daydreaming, when walking along the street i just dont feel right. I don't have any reason to be this way. It feels like my head has been spun round or something and my reactions are slow. Dr game me citalophram then sertraline but nothing made a difference, could this really be anxiety? and will it ever go, and no ive had it too long to sit around thinking about it all day

23-01-15, 02:46
This is what my anxiety revolves around, usually I get it when I'm in huge shopping centres/stores and when im around huge crowds!
The term people use for it is derealisation, but what I experience, and what you experience by the sounds of it.

It sometimes feels like I'm resting or sleeping when im walking? That's sounds crazy, but I feel like I'm watching in 3rd person or someone else is controlling what I see!

27-01-15, 18:15
I get this too (but only since my first panic attack which was so severe I called an ambulance). I kind of become really aware especially when walking that my surroundings and myself seem vacant, I can't properly feel my legs, I get worried I'll fall over because my sensation in legs arent as strong as before and I generally feel weird.

29-01-15, 11:32
I feel like this too, much like what themusicguy6 explained. However, I feel like today my head has a rocking kind of feeling and then maybe more lightheadedness that feels like I'm gonna lose control of my head or that it's too heavy...it is freaking me out. I'm telling myself it's anxiety and trying to push on thru but I keep going back to what if...