View Full Version : Chest pain and strained breathing 4 months and still going

22-01-15, 23:47
Im 36 years old, heavier side 300, but still athletic despite my size. I have not had any alchohol in the past 6 months and my eating habits are pretty good. I work out on the treadmill around 4-5 days a week. I have had low thyroid my whole life.

It started with over the head weight lifting, lifting more than I normally do. This was in late Sept 2014. Later that day it felt like I was having a heart attack and I couldnt get a deep breathe that catches. My chest hurt and I felt dizzy and nauseous. I woke up two nights later with massive chest pain and went to the ER. They did an EKG and blood tests and all came back fine, they gave me muscle relaxer and a GI cocktail and told me I had bad acid reflux. Around a week later I had another massive attack and was back at ER same tests, same results, this time they only gave mt the GI cocktail and it did not help the discomfort.

I went to my primary physician who referred me to a GI specialist and a heart doctor. I saw the heart doctor first he did not think anything was wrong with my heart but issued a stress test with the procedure where they watch your heart as they do measurements. I was able to go 8 1/2 of the 12 minutes before I hit the desired heart rate they wanted. They scanned post treadmill and I went back a week later. Doctor said my heart looked good, it was a little enlarged but this could be due to my weight or the fact I have a thyroid problem. He noted my blood pressure has always been 120/80's and did not feel there was any need for further tests and gave me a clean bill of health for my heart.

I went to the GI the following month, yhe initial diagnosis was GERD, which they gave me prescription meds for that didnt help my discomfort.A month later they did an endoscopy which also revealed nothing in my esophagus or stomach of any concern.

It is not January 2015, I am still feeling the pressure in my sternum abdomen, rib area as well as the shortness of breathe when trying to take a deep breathe. I am able to work out on treadmill still, per my doctor's orders and I do not get winded or out of breathe. They have prescribed me Clemazopam (spelling) for panic attacks to see if that is what is inducing the discomfort.

I went to a chiropractor 2 weeks ago and he pressed around on my sternum and ribs and I had massive discomfort. He told me I had torn cartridge along both sides of my sternum and the upper ribs and this was causing my muscles to inflame which was putting pressure on my lungs and diaphragm, in turn causing the breathing discomfort issues.

The past week when I lay down I wake up not being able to breathe well or catch my breathe. It keeps me up and I start to have panic attack symptoms as I feel it is something still with my heart even tho now I do not have the chest pains.

I do not have overall sternum rib pain, unless I press on the area.

My question is would torn cartridge cause all this sternum/abdomen pressure, as well as my shallow breathing when sleeping. This is seriously affecting my daily life and seems to happen more and more during the day affecting my breathing.

On a side note: The panic attacks this is causing me thinking it is heart or something serious is really starting to affect me and my family. I feel like I am always in a constant state of panic from these feelings im experiencing.

ANY insight would be so appreciated.
