View Full Version : Was doing great now sudden severe anxiety

23-01-15, 07:52
I've been great for past 3 monts even managed to take my blood pressure every day and not be scared of the machine and my bp was actually low. Perfect proof that state of mind has huge effect on blood pressure.

But I have been having attacks of abdominal pain, I have a long history of unexplained abdo pain and in the past have all the tests including my appendix out. The concluded ibs or referred pain from my damaged spine.

Just had a very stressful time starting before xmas with my mother in law seriously ill and she died on 6 Jan. The abdo pain came back over xmas. All during this time of such stress with her my bp has been totally fine even though I was rushing around from morning to night.

Had the funeral monday this week and next day my anxiety has gone through the roof, my heart is racing all the time, my bp is now up a bit. This started after I saw my gp about the abdo pain and he said if it continues because of my age they will want to do a colonoscopy to rule out it being bowel related.

I am now in total panic about this and this is putting my bp and heart rate up whcih is just adding to my feelings of panic.

I want to go back to how I was mentally - help!

23-01-15, 11:31
The main issue here seems to be whether the abdominal pain can be caused by events a week or two before. I'd say yes. Earlier events can cause pain or spasm after two weeks.