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23-01-15, 11:40
Hi iv bin doin ok with my ha but now am all over the place .my doctor sent me a letter this morning sayin i need to repeat my esr blood test in 3 months cos its up abit .so am sat cryin my eyes out now worried sick again .really thought i was gettin my ha under control and bang am here again .can anyone please give me some advice please

23-01-15, 16:40
ESR can be slightly raised just because you have a mild infection like a cold or urine infection etc. I don't think your doctor would leave it for three months if he thought it might be something serious.
However, you can always telephone him and talk about it so that you get reassurance

23-01-15, 16:42
Thank u for your reply am hoping to see my doctor on Monday .i was just gettin bk on my feet then this happens thank u again .

23-01-15, 16:48
Raised ESR is not unusual so I wouldn't be worried about it.

23-01-15, 16:52
Hi, so sorry your HA came back again. I don't know if you were just symptomless and that's why you were doing better or you're on therapy?

Because avoiding or feeling better when there's no major symptom will not help your anxiety. As soon as you think every symptoms every slightly raised/low test results will make you start over.

I'm not telling you this because I managed to get my HA under control. On the contrary I'm not doing well at all, I'm getting worse actually. I just know that as long as we continue catastrophising we will not get better.

I just called nhs talking change and booked a telephone interview. I just want to learn how not to jump to worst case scenario. I will also ask my Gp to prescribe some anti-anxiety medication.

For your elevated esr, I have low creatitine levels at the moment and I convinced myself it's low because I have muscle loss because I have MND. So I totally understand how you're feeling right now. In all my blood works there's always something low or elevated. I had elevated lymphocytes and when I was super worried about lymphoma that confirmed my lymphoma fears and then in my next blood work they were back to normal.

Clearly you still have anxiety although you were doing better and stress hormones cause this up and downs in our bloods. Please stop crying and try to distract yourself. I have to repeat my blood test as well as I have slightly elevated thyroid levels. We all need to repeat blood tests at some point (definitely more than once) we all have raised/low levels of somethings all the time.

23-01-15, 16:54
I dont no how raised it is but i have to have bloods done in 3 months to check it again .i cant help but worry .if am not worried am worrying i should be worrying if that sense .

23-01-15, 16:55
Definitely makes sense, it is GAD, you worry because there's nothing to worry.

23-01-15, 17:01
Hi, so sorry your HA came back again. I don't know if you were just symptomless and that's why you were doing better or you're on therapy?

Because avoiding or feeling better when there's no major symptom will not help your anxiety. As soon as you think every symptoms every slightly raised/low test results will make you start over.

I'm not telling you this because I managed to get my HA under control. On the contrary I'm not doing well at all, I'm getting worse actually. I just know that as long as we continue catastrophising we will not get better.

I just called nhs talking change and booked a telephone interview. I just want to learn how not to jump to worst case scenario. I will also ask my Gp to prescribe some anti-anxiety medication.

For your elevated esr, I have low creatitine levels at the moment and I convinced myself it's low because I have muscle loss because I have MND. So I totally understand how you're feeling right now. In all my blood works there's always something low or elevated. I had elevated lymphocytes and when I was super worried about lymphoma that confirmed my lymphoma fears and then in my next blood work they were back to normal.

Clearly you still have anxiety although you were doing better and stress hormones cause this up and downs in our bloods. Please stop crying and try to distract yourself. I have to repeat my blood test as well as I have slightly elevated thyroid levels. We all need to repeat blood tests at some point (definitely more than once) we all have raised/low levels of somethings all the time.

Iv bin having cbt and bin telling myself that not everything is the c word thats my fear .i was havin diarrhoea every day for over a month thats why i had the test done but for the last week or so iv had ok poop and the doctor thinks it ibs and thats why am seein her Monday .plus am on meds to for anxiety and since startin the meds iv not had a period and having troble down there to but i stop myself from thinkin its bad cos it comes and goes .so i do have thing's wrong but iv bin level head about um .hope i make sense to u .

23-01-15, 17:04
If it was anything to worry about your doctor would want a retest before 3 months. What help are you getting for your anxiety as that is what really needs addressing here.

---------- Post added at 17:04 ---------- Previous post was at 17:03 ----------

Are you still having CBT or has the course finished?

23-01-15, 17:04
Definitely makes sense, it is GAD, you worry because there's nothing to worry.

Thank u for listening to me .it has took me a while to believe i have anxiety and not the c word but when test come bk i worry that it is and iv bin wasting time cos i have loads goin on with women's health and my poop .

23-01-15, 17:04
Definitely makes sense and keep going like this, I think you're doing great and nobody should expect a quick recovery, it will take time. I just wanted to make sure you are at least aware of why we are like this and what we should do to overcome HA.

23-01-15, 17:21
If it was anything to worry about your doctor would want a retest before 3 months. What help are you getting for your anxiety as that is what really needs addressing here.

---------- Post added at 17:04 ---------- Previous post was at 17:03 ----------

Are you still having CBT or has the course finished?

Am still havin cbt every Monday .

---------- Post added at 17:21 ---------- Previous post was at 17:16 ----------

Definitely makes sense and keep going like this, I think you're doing great and nobody should expect a quick recovery, it will take time. I just wanted to make sure you are at least aware of why we are like this and what we should do to overcome HA.

I dont understand it tbh and when i first got told i had anxiety i turned round and told the doctor no iv not .i though i was a strong person but since i had my son 10 years ago he has special needs iv bin depressed and on edge .iv got 3 beautiful children and a hubby that i love to bits and hes bin my rock .am so scared all the time and when things r goin right for us am thinkin and waiting for it to go wrong .

23-01-15, 17:35
I know what you mean because my anxiety stems from GAD and it's the cause of my HA. I always need something to worry about, there's no such thing as relaxing, being carefree ever. I'm always tense and always alert. My mind doesn't even shut down when I sleep, I still think in my dreams. Worrying about health is just convenient isn't it? That is the most important thing to worry about and once it's started it's very difficult for a GAD mind to ignore it.
How many sessions of Cbt you have left? I hope you will feel so much better when it ends.

23-01-15, 17:49
Iv had 3 sessions up to now .omg am tbe same i even dream that someone i love is diein or i dream about my step dad alot .he die 6 years ago and he had cancer but it was not the cancer that killed him .it like last night i dream my hubby had wat hayley cropper on corrie .i can never trun off and dont no wat relax means .am only 30 and feel like my life is at its end but like I said iv have bin doin well and fighting the feeling but now am bk to the old wat if and i wont see my kids grow up or i will lose my hubby or someone i love .

23-01-15, 19:05
Hi Nicola

I hope you don't mind me replying but i have first hand experience with raised esr levels!

I had a full range of bloods taken as i wasnt feeling to good and mine came back with a slightly raised ESR which sent me into a real frenzy, the Dr reassured me that if there was anything majorly wrong it wouldn't be 'slightly' raised it would be majorly raised and they would want to address the situation there and then.

I had a repeat blood test done a few weeks later and mine was still slightly raised but had lowered a little, My Dr decided there and then it was nothing, he explained to me that not everyone fits the ranges that are set and it was more than likely the 'norm' for me.

He also explained that anything could raise the ESR marker such as a viral infection, being overweight etc.

My Dr decided i didn't need to follow up with anymore repeat blood tests, yes it was hard at first because as with all health anxiety suffers its the 'what if's'.

If you check through my history you should be able to see my posts worrying over it!.

Any worries you have though ask your GP im sure they will do there best to put your mind at rest


23-01-15, 19:19
Hi Nicola

I hope you don't mind me replying but i have first hand experience with raised esr levels!

I had a full range of bloods taken as i wasnt feeling to good and mine came back with a slightly raised ESR which sent me into a real frenzy, the Dr reassured me that if there was anything majorly wrong it wouldn't be 'slightly' raised it would be majorly raised and they would want to address the situation there and then.

I had a repeat blood test done a few weeks later and mine was still slightly raised but had lowered a little, My Dr decided there and then it was nothing, he explained to me that not everyone fits the ranges that are set and it was more than likely the 'norm' for me.

He also explained that anything could raise the ESR marker such as a viral infection, being overweight etc.

My Dr decided i didn't need to follow up with anymore repeat blood tests, yes it was hard at first because as with all health anxiety suffers its the 'what if's'.

If you check through my history you should be able to see my posts worrying over it!.

Any worries you have though ask your GP im sure they will do there best to put your mind at rest


Thank u so much am in tears here readin what u all have put means alot to me .am so scared of diein young and it helps bein on here .i think everything i have is cancer and iv bin doin really well but now am bk to were i started .am seein my doctor monday so will have a chat with her thank u again means alot xx

23-01-15, 19:51
You might find this workbook helpful http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=53

23-01-15, 19:52

I've also had an almost identical experience and like Cariad I had mine re-tested and they were still the same. Was just slightly raised. My gp called a haematologist and they said that it was just 'normal' for me. That was 3 years ago and I'm still here so they must have been right!! Lol.

I know easier said than done but try to keep calm. My doctor also told met at if it was anything serious the levels would be extremely high, not just raised slightly. You are going to be ok xx

23-01-15, 20:03
All i no is that they r a bit high nit sure how much but like other have said she would not wait 3 months would she thanks all xxxx