View Full Version : What if they're wrong? ???

23-01-15, 19:06
I'm sick of hearing how I have HA
I tried to explain the gp my symptoms and I get told HA
to me it seems what they diagnose you with when they don't know what else to do
just because my FBC came back okay doesn't mean I'm not ill

23-01-15, 19:17
I'm sick of hearing how I have HA
I tried to explain the gp my symptoms and I get told HA
to me it seems what they diagnose you with when they don't know what else to do just because my FBC came back okay doesn't mean I'm not ill

I see this is your first post. This is a great site with a lot of good information and support.

In terms of what you said, you're correct. That being said, if scientific medical testing cannot find a physical cause for your symptoms, it leaves the mental aspect. Anxiety can and does cause real physical symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms). They're just not caused by an underlying medical condition. Being that you're posting on an anxiety website indicates that deep down you know that anxiety can cause this and that you're suffering from it. Exploring your symptoms with a mental health professional would be an avenue to explore.

Positive thoughts

23-01-15, 20:57
my argument would be I'm suffering anxiety because I'm ill and not being taken seriously rather than HA outright. It can't be normal to feel sick and have stomach pains etc

23-01-15, 21:06
No it isn't normal to feel sick and have stomach pains but they can be symptoms of anxiety.

23-01-15, 21:18
As I type this I feel sick after eating and drinking
It frustrates me and my quality of life sucks. Got me thinking stomach cancer

Would a fbc give an idea of something wrong even if nothing specific? Eg cancer etc?

23-01-15, 21:24
Your doctor must be satisfied that it is not a physical illness but anxiety causing physical symptoms. What s being done to address your anxiety?

23-01-15, 21:37
Seeing a counsellor
anti depressants

23-01-15, 22:20
Hopefully the counselling will help you. This workbook might also be helpful http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=53

24-01-15, 05:10
Thanks I'll take a look
I tried to tell my GP that I shouldn't have to take gaviscon all day for the feeling sick and stomach pain but I get nowhere

24-01-15, 10:33
I got a good book called Overcoming Health Anxiety

My main concern is they're wrong and it's not HA
Don't want to be the boy that cried wolf. I go that maNY times they never take me seriously even when something is wrong