View Full Version : physical symptoms progression

23-01-15, 19:16
I have several diagnosis' anxiety isn't one of them, but I am praying anxiety is the root cause.

I have a host of total spine issues- I have also had EMG ( electric nerve conduction study motor and sensory ) The result of my EMG upper and lower last year showed chronic radiculopathy upper and lower corresponding to the levels in my spine that are a problem, the emg also showed periphreal neuropathy - lower extremities, not upper- but its all gotten worse.

I also have severe bilateral TMJ with arthritis - I have even had a cardiac infarction in the past- and oddly all the irregular heart rhythms - 24 hour monitor recorded 6000 PVC's in that time frame and never did I feel anxious- because I read they are harmless.

I have terrible disequilbrium - I grip my feet legs, toes to the ground to maintain balance...STANDING still is the WORST- walking in dim or dark lighting, forget it! Standing in shower is a nightmare and when I wash my face or hair and have to lean back or raise arms, its dreadful. But I can walk from point A to point B very well- but trying to turn over in bed at night and maneuver my hands with the covers I am spastic - and uncoordinated and I fear getting up to use restroom at night or morning because the symptoms are SO BAD..I can hardly get my slippers on, my legs are so wobbly - my hands fumble with getting my PJ's down ( I am a lady BTW ) 49 years old- and my writing and thoughts are all over the place- thats how I feel, I used to be a medical professional and haven't worked since 2009 and in the last 2 years its just been HELL for me---

I do not have resting tremors, but I do have muscle spasms and cramps, contortions of the feet which are excrutiating- but I have also have a vibration in arms and legs more felt then seen like plugged into an electric socket - my fine coordination is OFF I have difficulty handling small objects like coins, when I reach for something there is more of a tremor at the end of the reach-

My index finger on left hand is weak to the point where if I hold something my wrist shakes, and my index finger just shakes on its own without holding something, just outstretched - my muscles are seized up constantly- I have crazy ringing in ears......I do not leave my house unless 100% necessary and I stopped driving but short distances a long while back, and lately don't even do that.

Early last year I broke down and took .05 mg of lorazepam and it seemed to help a little - I would take it once every few days when I just couldn't cope and then in /august had a terrible flair with lower spine and legs and took it 2 times a day for a couple days and since then have taken it once every 24 hours- I always wait the full 24 hours- because by that point I am desperate. I have been recently prescribed gabapentin for neuropathy but that is for PAIN, not the neurological symptoms - and oddly when I take the lorazepam it tones down the massive pins and needles of the neuropathy-

The thing is, since I have taken the lorazepam, while it helps when I'm taking it, when it wears off, I seem to just get worse and worse with symptoms........so it makes me wonder if it is the lorazepam causing me to be worse, but don;t know how I would cope at all without that tiny dose at least once every 24 hours, its the only tinge of relief I ever get- I am in tears right now- desperate - my body has failed me and living like this for me is hell, literally it feels like hell.