View Full Version : Tingling in leg

23-01-15, 19:55
I have had tingling in my leg for the past two hours and its freaking me out. Feels like crawling bugs under my skin!

I have really bad MS health anxiety at the moment & this is just adding to the problem. Every new symptom gives me the fear :-(

23-01-15, 19:58
It's Adrenalin DaisyP. Have a walk around, exercise, walk up the stairs. Or just let it pass over you. It will pass and can not harm you.

23-01-15, 20:58
Thank you. It's so odd. Can adrenalin do that?

23-01-15, 21:10
Oh Yes. The Adrenalin is caused by the Mind. You have to divert the Mind thoughts in to other things. It lays there back in the Mind and the worst time seems to be sitting around watching TV.:ohmy:

23-01-15, 21:31
I don't know what Carnation means.

This could be a couple of things, including;
- bad circulation due to diabetes
- bed nerves due to peripheral neuropathy
- absolutely nothing

Is it getting better with exercise?

23-01-15, 21:39
HypoGuy, I have said what I have said, because I suffer with exactly the same symptom and it is just like bugs crawling inside of your legs up and down. There are many others on here that will say the same thing. And I don't think that mentioning possible illnesses/diseases will help to calm DaisyP down, it will make her worse! :huh:

23-01-15, 21:55
Carnation spoke alot of sense. I have had strange crawling sensations for most of my 53 years and I don't have ms or any other neuro disease but I do have anxiety.
I have been tested for ms and do not have it but many doctors told me before the tests that if I had ms then I would get lack of function rather than just weird sensations so for example if your leg went numb and you kept tripping up or falling over then thats time to see a Dr but just weird sensations are usually due to anxiety chemicals or nerve impingement from say a dodgy back.
If all you have is a sensation then its in all likelihood just in the skin of your leg and its the skin nerves firing off radomly. Wait till you get the feeling as if a large insect with clogs on is crawling up your face into your hair, now that is freaky:)

23-01-15, 22:00
Thanks for the replies. Country girl, glad you don't have anything bad either. It comes and goes and I know MS doesn't do that. My leg did go numb (apparently it was my migraine) but I didn't lose function in it at all and had lots of neuro tests, that's ok isn't it?
Thanks carnation, it's a weird feeling!

23-01-15, 22:36
HypoGuy, I have said what I have said, because I suffer with exactly the same symptom and it is just like bugs crawling inside of your legs up and down. There are many others on here that will say the same thing. And I don't think that mentioning possible illnesses/diseases will help to calm DaisyP down, it will make her worse! :huh:

I did write it could be nothing of importance. Even so, none of these diseases are nearly as serious as MS and they are much more common. That fact alone would be more calming to me than something vague about adrenalin. Care to elaborate on what adrenaline does, exactly, in this scenario? I would like to understand the view. :)

24-01-15, 00:07
I have the same thing. I'm sorry hypoguy but I don't think you writing those possible causes is nice or helpful. If she wanted to scare herself she would have googled it. We need to support each other here not scare. You could've said it's probably nothing but ask your gp just in case. I'm sorry but I had to say these.

24-01-15, 00:14
It's okay, I understand.
Different things for different people I guess!

I apologise if I upset you, Annie, I should clarify:
I don't think that, just by this symptom alone, you could have one of the diseases I listed. Let's call it the 0,01% chance.
MS, compared to these diseases, which are not particularly dangerous and debilitating if caught in a stage where your only symptom is tingling, is 0,00001%.

My numbers are of course off, but I hope it sheds light on what I meant. When I feared my liver was compromised, I was joyful to hear I only really had gastritis and stuff. Lol. You get the point. :)