View Full Version : help ! tight ball feeling in throat feel my throats collapsing

23-01-15, 20:13
I have not had a panic attack for ages now all a sudden I was doing great today felt 99% normal ! Then boom this afternoon listening to my headphones laid on couch I sit up feel I have a big air bubble in my throat I tried to hack it out nothing drank nothing happened had a cig nothing happened ate nothing happened I went into a panic attack I think racing heart and shaking .

Then I was fine after tea I have been sat down just reading up stuff to help my friend not anxious I get it again like there's a ball in my throat or its my throat sticking together or tight nine I just don't know I have a drink and a cig it reliefed it for 5 seconds my heart started racing for a full 10 seconds then I sit back down trying to ignore this feeling that is slowly making me feel somebody is pressing on my adam apple well where it would be if I was a boy then I start getting a bit of weird breathing sensations like a kinda feeling when you breathe water in a tickle kinda small amount of ache Ness I suppose weord anyways I am freaking scared because iv been strangled from previous real ship ship not this year but beginning of last ect that it could of caused my throat to become weak and now it's giving in ?

23-01-15, 20:50

This is not how throats work. They won't start giving in a year after a strangling. :) It is perfectly plausible that due to irritation or inflammation the airways became more tight but don't worry, the feeling can be decieving (you might feel it is incredibly tight and in reality it is just barely tight).