View Full Version : Eye pain and headaches

23-01-15, 22:43
Hi everyone,

I have a previous thread titled 'headaches' however cannot post it until I have made 10 posts so please look there for further information.

Around 2 months ago I woke it with very bad eye pain in my right eye when j blinked. I went to the optician who carried out many tests and stated that all was fine, however as she couldn't determine what it was I was referred to my doctor for hospital tests (still waiting for the date).

Well today, I've started getting shooting / throbbing pain in what feels like behind my eye, it kinda feels like somebody is pressing on a bruise, but behind my eye. It only lasts a few seconds at a time but has been going on for hours, I'm also experiencing shooting / throbbing headaches. I have so been getting random tender spots on my head however do not have any at the moment. I'm seeing my doctor in two weeks, but I must say I'm terrified. Surely the eye things is something to worry about?

What else could it be other than a brain tumour?

Natalie x
23-01-15, 23:40
Hi there, I can completely sympathise with you as I have also experienced this. Do you wear glasses at all? I wear glasses, well not as often as I should put it that way, and have a desk based job at a computer. I subconsciously screw and tense up my right eye which leads to pain and strain of my muscles. I then get the shooting pains up the right hand side. I always put this down to the strain I am putting on that side of my face and head.

I had the same feeling at the start of the week and the pain was there for an couple of days which started as a headache from laying too long in bed which normally happens on a Sunday! It eventually subsided after some paracetamol and wearing my glasses. I also put a hot water bottle on my neck and let the heat travel up my head which also helps.

Hope this helps somewhat and that you feel better soon x