View Full Version : Jolting when drifting off to sleep

Natalie x
23-01-15, 23:25
Hi, I'm hoping someone is able to offer some help and to put my mind at ease and hopefully I'm not the only one who has experienced this.

For the past couple of weeks I seem to get frequent jolts as I'm drifting off to sleep. Sometimes it feels like I'm falling but other times I just jolt. I've noticed that my brain fills with random thoughts that sometimes mean no sense when I'm just drifting off, just before this happens.

I stupidly googled, which has only amplified things, to be faced with things relating to brain tumours and MS. Obviously this has been on my mind today.

Earlier I was reading a book in bed and kept focussing on my legs and to see if they would twitch or jolt. When I got up out of bed they felt a little weak and still do. I'm not sure if this is just as a result of me focussing in on this.

I have also been on propranolol for the past 2 weeks to help with my anxiety which had peaked. Before starting propranolol I felt somewhat detached from myself, like I wasn't me and I was so focussed on everything I was doing. Nothing felt normal to me and my surroindings were strange. After googling that symptom again tumours etc appeared. I spoke to my Doctor about my concerns before going on propranolol but now I am starting to think with the jolts that something may be wrong. I keep thinking about this and am thinking horrible irrational thoughts.

Has anyone ever had these jolts before and can offer some support?

Thank you and sorry for the long post...

23-01-15, 23:38
They are totally normal hypnagogic jerks :) We all have them although when you are stressed or your airway is restricted you may have them more. Once when I had a cold with blocked nose I had 20 in one night. My boyf at the time was unimpressed.

Natalie x
23-01-15, 23:41
Thank you for your response. My boyfriend also jolts but not as much as I have been. Maybe the reason for the jolting as wellis because I'm thinking about it when I go to sleep and am almost waiting for it to happen which may bring it on?

24-01-15, 00:21
I constantly get these jolts ,my Dr says it's totally stress,/anxiety related

24-01-15, 01:12
I get really bad jolts which wake me up after about 30 mins of sleep. My whole body vibrates and I feel weird for about 5 minutes.

I also get them as I drift off.

They went away for me when I started taking herbal sleep tablets, which also cured my nightmares.

26-01-15, 23:54
I've had that problem, too.. And only during episodes of anxiousness. It's nothing to worry about. :)

27-01-15, 14:25
I get them as well, I also get clicking in my head as I drift off.

27-01-15, 18:10
I get them too, especially accompanied by random thoughts that make no sense and kind of make me panic and jolt.

10-02-15, 12:21
I get both sensations and its basically because of your thoughts...its when your goin into the stage of sleep and you body relaxes but your brain as other ideas and wants you to stay awake to worry more lol and there for jolts you. It wont harm you and once you accept it then will happen less. Worried me so much when i started with these ad to take meds but didnt stay on them for long. Hope it eases x

10-02-15, 13:16

Take care! x

10-02-15, 13:47
i also suffer from jolts and a falling sensation when drifting off to sleep, all anxiety related