View Full Version : Panic attack out of the blue at the moment!

23-01-15, 23:45
It's been a long time since I had a panic attack, felt anxious but no pa (thank God). But am having one at the moment brought on by this odd not being able to breathe properly after eating, which I get sometimes after dinner but not every time :lac::weep:

I don't know what this awful feeling of shortness of breath after eating is. I've had it for a couple of years now and for some reason is worse the later I eat. Note to self to eat early to avoid this, I am soooo stupid!! Which in turns make me anxious and panicky thinking that this time I am a gonna!!:scared15::scared15:

Feeling a bit light headed now, wish this would go away, I think maybe I breathe quicker which causes the light-headedness.

It's been quite a while since I posted anything and wish that I could see this through without posting now.

Anyone understand what I'm talking about? Feels like my lungs aren't expanding enough to get enough air, seems like sometimes they aren't working at all:blush: Oh dear am rambling again....................


24-01-15, 00:18
Hi Els, Sorry I can't offer you any answers:unsure: but take care and I hope you manage to calm yourself.