View Full Version : chest pain, jaw pain and left arm pain.. all anxiety??

24-01-15, 00:17
does anyone one else get chest pains left arm pain and jaw pain? not nessercerily at the same time like chest pain follwed by arm and jaw pain but the last day or so iv been having random chest pains with arm pain and jaw pain but not all at the same time all of the time if that makes sense lol :wacko:

24-01-15, 00:56
Yes have all of them, and yes not at the same time. What do you mean by jaw pain though? My jaw is super tense, it's not pain but feel like it's gonna close up and I feel like yawning, weird feeling.

24-01-15, 01:00
its a niggly type pain just under my jaw line nearish my chin kinda, kinda where you get pain when you have an inflamed gland when poorly xx

24-01-15, 01:17
Yeah got it, if you think you might have a heart condition or something you should stop worrying. Doesn't sound like it, does sound like anxiety.

24-01-15, 01:27
thank you hun, i have a heart murmur going back a year or so, but was told it didnt sound dangerous but its on my mind now what with chest pains etc xx

24-01-15, 01:30
Have you seen any doctors? Almost 5 years ago I had these skipped heart beats and pain, I had all sorts of tests even a holter and didn't show anything.

24-01-15, 18:35
I had tests are years ago, many ecgs an zray a scan and a 7 day monitor all showed nothing, but of course that was about 2 years ago now so I'm worrying again :( xx