View Full Version : 'Talk Therapy' making it worse... going for CBT

24-01-15, 01:19
My anxiety stems back a way from suffering repeated domestic abuse (it has manifested as health anxiety) and I have found talk therapy from Mind has actually increased my anxiety as she is constantly asking me questions about my past which weren't nice but I don't find relevant (such as being bullied at school, my mum having anxiety 20 years ago and having to change school once). She really delves into these issues and to be honest they have never bothered me until now, I feel like a basket case because I'm pinpointing every single bad thing that has ever happened to me.

She is a lovely lady and I enjoy chatting to her but it's not helping my case. I also think Mind do an amazing job.

I have been told by a pyschotherapist to stop and go to CBT instead as it will work for me much better.

I hope it works!

25-01-15, 04:55
MIND offer CBT services so perhaps they can switch forms of therapy?

It sounds like the current therapist is using a psychoanalytical approach. However, they should be assessing how the therapy is helping you so its concerning that she doesn't understand that you feel that this is damaging your recovery because she should be responding to that by changing how you feel about it or altering her approach.

25-01-15, 22:32
I forgot to mention that when I described my abuse in detail, the therapist CRIED. I don't think this is professional...

That was a big thing that made me feel worse. I will let them know tomorrow.

25-01-15, 22:42
Katki, could it be that they are just trying to get a full picture of how to help you? For my first two sessions with the psychologist I had to talk about all my life just so they could get a whole picture. Now that they know, they can start to focus on the treatment, which is based on cbt.

But I agree, talking about your past just brings back painful memories and doesn't really change things now. I felt quite bad after my first few appointments because it was like my mind had been prised open and pulled apart, but it's a lot more constructive now. I you can get the same out of it!

26-01-15, 04:14
Its really unprofessional of a therapist to conduct themselves in that way. This sounds like either an inexperienced one or someone having their own issues that they are failing to keep out of their sessions.

Personally, now you have said this, I think I would be seeing this therapist as very poor because she is forcing you to have therapy that you feel is making you worse, is not monitoring you to ensure duty of care (as far as I can see, providing you are feeing back about how you feel), is not adjusting to benefit your recovery and is emotionally incompatible with the role itself.

I would feed back to them about your concerns. MIND have partner charities but they still expect them to conduct services to their standards. If this is one of those services (you can find them on MIND's online checker) then you could contact MIND direct and raise your concerns so that they assist you to resolve them (and I'm sure they would help move you to someone else, if needed).