View Full Version : Visiting the Dr. TOO much

24-01-15, 01:37
**sorry if anyone disagrees with this, but it helped to tidy my mind a little**

I just recieved some good advice from a psychotherapist at the hospital. She told me to stop visiting the Doctor. See someone who specialises in mental health instead.

Now, I know this sounds like stupid advice, because sometimes we need the GP for little ailments here and there. But, I have been checked top to toe. So, if this is you too, and you have been checked (bloods, urine, stool, maybe a scan or two to check where you ''hurt'') and labelled as healthy and you have also been told you have anxiety, STOP going unless you have symptoms which are worsening with time (really your physical HEALTH worsening, not just persistant anxiety symptoms) or you are SURE are not anxiety related (bear in mind though, a lot are anxiety related.) If you tell your Doctor you have terrible headaches, eye floaters, blurred vision and numbness, they will be concerned. Who wouldn't. It would be negligent of them to assume it's 'just' nerves.

They will want to send you for tests. This will send your mind racing... ''so maybe it's NOT anxiety after all, my Doctor seems concerned.... I have to have an MRI... Then wait for results... and maybe have more scans if nothing shows up because I don't trust scans anyway! Doctors are all rubbish! Aghhhhh'' and so on.

I know a lot of people start posts declaring clear test results but they still think something is wrong. STOP! They know what they are doing, especially if you have been through a&e.

Visiting your doctor does not make things better, in most cases, with people who have health anxiety due to thier anxiety symptoms. It's feeding your fear, we may feel relief for the rest of the day but it will soon rear it's ugly head again. The only way you can cure yourself is from within. Nobodies reassurance will help. You will need it continuously and even then you won't believe it.

Trust yourself. You have anxiety, so trust that too. It's not going to hurt you, so stop seeking a diagnosis for something that could. Be happy that you have anxiety, which will not lead to serious health problems, and will not kill you.

I hope this helps some people. Obviously it's worth saying, you should visit your doctor about your anxiety. I'm not saying don't do that. But even then, a GP can't always cut it. See a mental health professional too if possible.

26-01-15, 07:40
Good post, not sure why anyone hasn't commented on this.

It's funny, I went through this a few years ago when I was convinced I had lymphoma: seen 5 different doctors over the span of a couple months, had a few tests, and I would only find relief for maybe a day or two each time they told me I was fine.

Even this past Wednesday I went to my new family doc for a throat issue, and even though in my mind I think cancer is a huge possibility, my doc was totally unconcerned with my symptoms and focused almost exclusively on my anxiety.

26-01-15, 09:56
Yeah, it helps to not be going all the time, although it's also quite good I think for people to get out of the loop by having someone professional tell you that it's anxiety, at least a few times...

Read cpe1978's sticky "get a plan and get on it" he had an effective strategy for weaning oneself off the too-regular doctor visits, but the important thing is to find a GP that you can trust, and listen to what they say. :)

26-01-15, 12:05
Good post and you are so right x

26-01-15, 12:26
Good post, not sure why anyone hasn't commented on this

Because sometimes its hard to look in the mirror. I've said the same thing in so many words in response to many posts. When they can't find anything physically wrong it leaves the obvious. Stop chasing a diagnosis and treat the real problem.

Positive thoughts