View Full Version : Anxiety over iron pills...

24-01-15, 02:35
Hey guys,

My doctor says my iron and B12 is a bit low and prescribed me on iron pills and I take B12 vitamins a few weeks ago. I took it for about two weeks and after the second week I started getting these headaches on the top of my head. (I have brain tumour anxiety so it really freaked me out).

I googled iron pills and headaches and read that this can happen when you have too much iron. I stopped taking it this week and the headaches are gone. I still continue to take B12.

At this point I'm scared to take more iron because I am worried about something happening, but then I'm also worried that my iron will be too low. :(

Any ideas or anyone have any similar stories?

24-01-15, 23:32
Sorry to hear you've been feeling a little off and anxious over this. It might be worthwhile calling your doctor to explain what you experienced and see how they think you should proceed. It could be that you are having too much iron, but I don't believe that this would be at a dangerous level anyway. It might be that your body was getting used to having low iron, so the increase took a little bit of adjustment. Or perhaps you need to half the dose of iron you were taking. I'm no expert, these are just things I would be thinking about if I had the same experience :)

Unfortunately, I've had the opposite experience to you, actually. A couple of months ago I started getting bad headaches, dizziness, and just felt all round sick in general. I just assumed it was a flare in my CFS, but my partner suggested maybe taking some iron. I got a very small dose supplement, and would you believe it, in a few days I felt better. So then I stopped again and it all came back, haha.