View Full Version : Cancer scared

24-01-15, 09:05
I had my blood tested in australia on holiday because i was feeling unwell. The results came back low vitamin d. I was looking last night at them and noticed

mild thrombocytopenia
It was 147 instead of 150

I bruise easily and have swollen glands for few months. I am so scared its cancer :( why didnt doctor mention this to me when he gave me my results?

I thought maybe the swollen glands were from my fluid in my ear still but now i dont know :(

24-01-15, 23:54
To my knowledge, mild thrombocytopenia usually doesn't require any treatment, and 147 instead of 150 is hardly a difference, so I imagine most doctors wouldn't even think to mention it. If it really concerns you, you can always go to your own GP at home and ask them to do a repeat blood count because you had to have some tests whilst you were overseas.

Interestingly enough, easy bruising can be associated with lack of vitamin D, so your bruising may be as simple as a vitamin deficiency (which is now being managed I believe). It could also be that you're a natural easy bruiser. I've always bruised easily, and my blood takes longer to clot than usual, but I am in good health :)

29-01-15, 10:18
I am low vitamin d like 40 out of 300.