View Full Version : Taking over

24-01-15, 12:01
I don't get many replies to my posts but it feels good to write my feelings dwn , I feel like this anxiety is consuming all the person I was and had taken over by a useless wreck iv tried the lot meds yoga cbt it's beating me ! I'm scared of the way it mks me feel I try and distract myself but the attacks come anyway think iv just about had enuf n ready to give up

24-01-15, 12:30
I'm in a similar situation at the moment.

The problem is, as you said, you are scared of it. Somehow, you have to stop being scared of it.

You have to accept anxiety and laugh it off. This seems impossible now, but once I'm sure it felt impossible to feel this bad, too. I know I would never have predicted I would feel like this in my lifetime.

The attacks WILL come and they WILL feel horrible but you have survived it this long, you can do it for longer, and deal with it.

I find it helps to break the way I feel down. I know that I feel terrible now because I am sensitized. The feeling I get in my stomach, the feeling in my chest, my heart beating fast, they are all feelings I have always had, when going on first dates, having job interviews, starting school and so on. I never thought of them then, because I didn't care about them! So why should I now?

Think about it!

26-01-15, 14:55
Thank u uv made me lol at things in a different perspective of my situation xx

26-01-15, 15:05
I think you have to accept it like the last post says. I have a similar feeling to you at the minute, I had got past it last year and it came back. In the time when I got better I accepted the feelings were anxiety and the negative thoughts I had were created by me therefor I could take them away. Unfortunately for me they have come back worse than before and part of that I think is down to thinking its heart/lung related and not anxiety so I am constantly looking for alternative answers to it being anxiety