View Full Version : pacemaker question

24-01-15, 12:20
Heya everyone how are you all doing today I hope its a good day for you all xxx :)

I have a question regarding pacemakers, long story short my grandfather who has been likd a dad to me has been told that he may have to have a pacemaker fitted :weep:he is 80 years old and has various other health complaints. I was wondering if this is a safe proceedures and if he can can have a great quality of life after the proceedure he and my grandmother are the world to me and eachother and we sre all very scared. He has also been told he may need dyalysis has anybody else had these treatmenrs done and been ok :scared15:

many thanks as always

29-01-15, 03:55
I believe pacemakers are fairly straightforward to fit.

I just took a look at the risks of having one fitted and there aren't usually complications, and those complications are mostly simple and easily treatable. It's not major surgery.

So, should be fine. :)

29-01-15, 20:03
Thankyou so much for your reply :) I was too scared to google it myself :blush: thankyou for taking the time to reply and look it up for me I really appreciate it:hugs:

31-01-15, 12:16
Not a problem. Getting a pacemaker should be quite safe. :)

There's a list of things you have to know about pacemakers, like about going through airport security, always telling doctors you have one, etc.

Your family should read up about them.

As to dialysis, it's similar to pacemakers, in that it's fairly safe but there's stuff you need to know. If they're not certain he needs it, it can't be too bad so perhaps dialysis might be all he needs, so don't worry about a transplant or anything.

I think you should read up about both and then make a list of questions to ask doctors. It won't be fun to go through but it sounds like he'll be fine once it's all fixed. :)