View Full Version : Eye floaters.

24-01-15, 19:09
I have had eye floaters in my left eye for about a year now. It comes basically every day. It really worries me that this can be a serious issue. My family has a history of cataracts and I feel like this is something that could be related.

I work on a computer everyday and can't really get away from loping at a screen. I plan on going to an eye doctor, but does anyone have any information on eye floaters? I looked up some stuff and they say its benign, but could be the result of something very dangerous (which has me worried).

its annoying, and causing me to worry.

24-01-15, 19:41
I have suffered from these for at least 10 years. They are benign, usually those that came from hit to the eye/head or appear quickly are cause to worry. But in these situations your eye is full of these, in a way that is hard to see.

I too work with computers all day and this could cause more floaters as you focus on same distance for long with little blinking. Are you by any chance farsighted? This makes you more prone to get floaters.

These are really annoying especially in winter when the landscape is full of white snow. It makes floaters easier to focus on.

You have had this for year, dont worry, but nothing wrong going to eye doctor. You cant easily get rid of them as the surgery to fix it is more dangerous than for whats it worth. There is a new promising operation where they burn the floaters with laser but alas its not approved here yet.

And please dont mix floaters wih blue field entopic phenomenon which too is a harmless thing.

24-01-15, 22:35
I have had some in my eye that I thought were the end of the world.

I went to the ophthalmologist and he said he couldn't even find them, he said that the dangerous floaters are the ones that obstruct your vision, almost making your eye a hinderance.

My stepdad had floaters so bad once that he used to cover his eye with a patch. The doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. We all thought he was going to go blind or die... About 6 months later the floaters went away... by the time his appointment with a specialist came up... the spcialist just said it must have been a virus.

24-01-15, 23:08
Eye floaters happen to most people. There's some evidence they might be correlated with stress/anxiety, but nobody has a better explanation as to why this might be than simply anxious folk are hyper-aware and so are more likely to (a) notice them and (b) seek medical advice for them.

They're only a sign anything moderately serious when hundreds of them appear very suddenly, but even then the issue that this is related to is entirely reversible.

24-01-15, 23:11
Well I've had them since childhood and I'm 30 years old so around maybe 20 years. I used to play this game and try to move them in the middle of my vision.