View Full Version : Face electric shocks with cough

25-01-15, 02:31
Hey there, a bit about me. 28f, hypothyroid on lexapro (only 5mg at the moment for health anxiety), iron, b12 and d for deficiencies. About a month ago I got hit w a bad chest cold. Mucus, all the fun stuff. Still have an annoying cough lingering, but still have mucus so not really concerned about that. The problem is, probably once a day ever few days or so, I'll cough and my left side of my face feels like very superficial shocks. No pain, just like the nerves light up or something. It's been happening since I got sick. I'm not really sure what to do. I really don't want to go and pay for an mri and specialist, but I feel like that's something I should do. And of course, now I'm worried about things like ms, and I'm just not in a good space. Ideas?

25-01-15, 03:20
Maybe a sinus infection?