View Full Version : Panicking thinking i have hiv

25-01-15, 15:18
Hi all,

I had a very sore throat last week which is now going away, i'd seen the doctor who told me it was just a sore throat... i looked this up online and found pharyngitis and that this can be a symptom of HIV. Since then i've been beside myself with panic, I even contacted my ex to ask if he'd been tested for STDs specifically HIV recently.. things didn't end well with us as he has bipolar (we last slept together in mid November) and he got a bit offended and said he's tested frequently when he has new relationships and was tested before i slept with him, so he can't understand why i'm panicking and that i really have 'nothing to worry about'. He then asked me to stop messaging him about it because there's nothing more he can tell me to make me believe him.

I'd never slept with anyone before him, and our relationship was brief. I have no reason to discount what he said. I have been trying to book in to get tested for HIV specifically tomorrow because i need to know for definite... but i feel a little like i'm going crazy. I hadn't even thought about HIV until now.

I was ill with a sickness bug at christmas, and then i got this painful sore throat last week. I've attributed this from everything ranging from pregnancy to cancer and now this. I sometimes get haemorrhoids, possibly due to anxiety related IBS but i had a bout of this 2 weeks ago and convinced myself i was dying. I can't concentrate on anything else... i'm not sure what i should do?

25-01-15, 16:06
Yes, get tested for your peace of mind.

But, keep in mind that winter is the season where these sicknesses are tossed around quite a bit. The cold, dry air alone is probably the cause for your sore throat.

Are you doing anything for your anxiety?

25-01-15, 16:10
Not at the moment, but I think i really need to. My auntie died just before Christmas and although i've had anxiety badly before a few years ago, it seemed to have gone, when she died I was ill with a sickness bug (although i wasn't actually sick, i just felt very nauseous and spent a day in bed), then i got this very sore throat for 6 days. I've been pretty anxious over christmas and new year.

25-01-15, 16:31
Yes, get tested for your peace of mind.

Do tests ever provide 'peace of mind' for people with health anxiety?

Having said that if OP has had unprotected sex with this man who may have been sleeping with other women at the same time then it is sensible to get an sexual health check-up anyway.

25-01-15, 16:38
Hi, he wasn't sleeping with anyone else whilst seeing me. He assures me of this. I am going to get tested tomorrow but i'm in pieces about it.

25-01-15, 19:24
Hi Iton, so sorry you're going through this fear, I've been there and I know how difficult it can be.
All I want to say is, believe your ex, you haven't had sex with someone you don't know and you cannot reach. It was your ex and he told you he got tested.
I'm sure your test result will be negative and after you get relief please do something about your HA before it gets out of control.
Mine started with a similar fear and now it's out of control and I feel like I'm living in hell, everyday is another struggle and I'm so tired of this. Don't want to see others to suffer like I do.

26-01-15, 00:53
I think with HIV, getting a test to rule it out can be very helpful. It's not like a doctor visit where you may go home and then think "what did the doctor miss?" but it's a yes/no type of test - you either have it or you don't. Without having the test, you may stress more because you don't know.

Of course, once you get the test and rule it out, you have to believe the test results and find a way to beat your anxiety.

That said, I don't believe for a second that you have HIV.

26-01-15, 11:10
This is really simple. Get tested, and put this worry to bed. There are rapid testing centres available, and you'll find out your status within half an hour.

I got tested recently for no reason other than my anxiety chose HIV to focus on. I was negative. I'm still glad I did it.

27-01-15, 11:44
Hi all, thanks for your comments. I got tested yesterday and i'm completely clear. I'm going to seek help for my Health Anxiety now as I can't cope with feeling that stressed again! Thanks again everyone.

27-01-15, 11:59
This is great news! I'm glad you're relieved now and yes please don't put it off and don't let HA rule your life.