View Full Version : tight head mostly behind ears area no pain

25-01-15, 20:34
I feel a pressure as if something is trying to brake out of my head it's so tight and it now and again feels it moves ! No pain though ! I feel as though somebody is holding my head in a vice but no pain what's so ever accept now and again a kinda weird suppose burn pain in my forehead my eyes and heavy and my cheeks are tight also I feel really fatigue like my eyes could just roll back kinda heavy eyes feeling I'm really scared I hit my head earlier on the top while I was getting into the car and I was tiered before that but I'm scared now I have a brain bleed /aggregate a tumour or clot or something I'm so scared I know it sounds pathetic but I'm petrified 😭 ...

I haven't gone into fast racing heart ect yet but I'm pretty cetane that's because I'm on my way out or something I'm so scared had anybody else had tightness around head ears face without direct pain or any pain ????

25-01-15, 20:56
It could be strong tension. I once had something similar whilst going through acute anxiety. I have also hit my head while getting in/out of the car - especially when in a hurry or tired - but thought nothing of it. I think it has to be a very strong blow to the head to be problematic.
If I fell to the ground and really bashed my head on the pavement - then that would be a different matter - & one would have concussion.
Don't know if a pain killer would help, gentle massage perhaps?

25-01-15, 20:59
There's no pain at all though so can't take a pain killer it's just tight like somebody is squeezing my head tightly no pain at all and couple of brain shivers and face shivers which bring on a pan that last a second like a tight nine quick pain I don't know whether go to a&e I don't think it's from the car but iv been coughing yellow/green post nasal for ages now and I'm worried that it may have caused a infection in my brain or something I don't know if anxiety can cause tightness in head ��

25-01-15, 21:03
The tightness might be because of the mucus, & anxiety can cause tightness in the head.
Perhaps you could ring the NHS helpline for advice.

26-01-15, 04:33
Sounds like it's sinus related to me, especially with the burning feeling, and the pains on your face and the yellow/green stuff

Put your face over a bowl of steaming hot water , then put a towl over your head and just breath it all in

See if that helps

26-01-15, 10:58
I also get that tightness now and then.Its usually when my sinus flares up and/or tension.

30-01-15, 22:27
Thank you all it ended up going away lasted a good amount of days I then felt better and came down with a cold hot water and steam helped 😃