View Full Version : Crazy panic right now

25-01-15, 22:57
Hey guys, just be nice to hear from someone... Currently having one of the worst bouts of panic and anx that i've experienced for a long time and I feel like the world is about to end...

I dont deserve much sympathy as I brought it on myself by drinking too much alcohol last night, but still... Help is badly needed right now :weep::weep::weep:

25-01-15, 23:31
Hi It's very scary I know. Just drink plenty of water and try and relax...Try and distract your self from dwelling on it..can I suggest you download an APP to your phone.. It helps you breath properly and helps you relax it gives you self help, comforts you and you can track your Anxiety Levels. Its Called SAMApp..Hope ths helps...Also Alcohol is one of the worst things to set off Axiety..It can make you feel Dehighdrated and cause palpatations which can make you feel worse.

25-01-15, 23:35
Thanks Kelly... Really appreciate you taking the time to reply... I will check out that app right now :)

25-01-15, 23:48
ok:yesyes:.....Click on Help for anxiety now and that will help you to take deep breaths and focus etc...Once you feel a little better there are other Tools you can look at....There are many apps on panic/anxiety that help you at times like this that you can just click on when feeling bad and it comforts you and also reading it and exploring them can distract you from thinking about it....It Helps me...You have to find the right one for you...Nothing bad will happen to you this will pass....:hugs:

26-01-15, 00:26
Hey guys... Thank you... That really has helped a lot just reading your replies. I've been doing a few things after finally forcing myself to get up off my as* to make a cup of peppermint tea and grab some food.

Might run a bath and try to read a book for a while.

Really appreciate the help! Sending some big hugs your way :hugs:

26-01-15, 12:00
Aww hun what a nightmare.

Agree with the others and food should have helped.

Hope you managed to get a good sleep.