View Full Version : Sinus cancer and CT scan, worried?!

26-01-15, 01:14
Hi, I'm a 16 yr old girl and suffer from health anxiety. For the past month I have been positive that I have sinus cancer due to do many unexplainable symptoms. I have a blocked tear duct in my right eye, my right nostril is much narrower than my left, permanent swollen lymph nodes under my jaw and on my right collarbone. I have seen an ENT who did a nasal endoscopy and said my right nostril was narrow but I was probably just born that way. However, I looked it up and I read that it's not possible to just be born that way. Also, my jaw lymph nodes are hard and matted together. I am getting a CT scan this week but I am SO nervous to find out if I have a tumor. Any advice? Thanks!

26-01-15, 03:02
My sister has narrow tubes - she was told she was born with them too.
Sinus issues are so common and sinus cancer - which is rare is even more rare in your age group.
You're doing all the right things.
I'm sure you'll be fine!

26-01-15, 03:38
I am experiencing some sinus issues right now. They can be terrifying, I worry I have a brain tumor.

Truth is, sinus issues are really really common.

26-01-15, 03:50
Thanks I really neede that reassurance! I'm also concerned because I've read that an enlarged collarbone lymph node means cancer in 90 out of 100 cases...this really freaks me out. I've had the lymph node for about 4 yrs now, and never really paid attention to it until now

26-01-15, 04:37
You've had that node for four years.. I doubt that it's anything to worry about

Also, I'm suffering really bad with my sinuses right now , I always have trouble with them, but I've never thought of sinus cancer, I still find it fascinating how different things effect different people

Hope you feel better soon

26-01-15, 16:53
THanks for your reply. I guess I'm just worried because everything I read about a blocked tear duct in someone my age points to a tumor, and that combined with my narrow nostril on the same side and the enlarged lymph nodes scares me. The ENT said only 1/10,000 people are diagnosed with sinus cancer every year, and I know this is a slim chance but I can't think of anything else that is causing me to have such strange symptoms