View Full Version : This worry keeps coming back

26-01-15, 04:26
Ok so when I was 14-15ish (I'm now 24) I was at a friends house on a bouncy castle, (one of their younger siblings biryhday) anyway things started to get a bit woah on there cause it was mainly all the older people on, so as I went to get off I slipped and landed on my chin someone slid behind me so basically for like 10 seconds my body was in the air whilst my face was on the floor and it felt like my body was bending backwards over my head,
That's the best way I can describe it
I felt like I was going pass out during it and when he finally moved I got up and felt all shakey and things (huge phobia of bouncy castles due to it now)

Anyway now I'm convinced my spine is damaged the neck part, I swear it's got a ridge and a curve and I'm terrifued I'm going to end up paralysed 🙈

This probably sounds totally bonkers to most people, but it's 4:23am and I have to be up in an hour and a half, and also start my new job today, but with this neck ache I keep going back to that day

26-01-15, 05:17
Sometimes damage to the spine can go unoticed. I knew a guy who had some damage from an accident years before. My mother even has some damage from lifting adult patients in and out of bath tubs.

They both have aches and can even feel the difference with their bones. Both have been to doctors for x-rays and have been given the option of surgery or less invasive treatments.

I recommend that you go see a doctor to get it sorted, but I really don't think that you need to worry about being paralysed 10 years later.

I get where you're coming from though because I also suffer from Health Anxiety... just know that you will be ok... you're not alone.

26-01-15, 10:20
If it had damaged your spine, I'm sure you will know about it by now, but your body can have a muscle memory of events such as that - we are shaped by our experiences - literally. I have a posture problem that is, according to my osteopath, probably inspired by falling on my face... twice, when I was younger... it can be worked on though, your body can re-learn and heal itself - maybe worth checking in with a chiropractor, osteopath or physiotherapist if it's causing you pain, you may be able to get a NHS referral for physio through your GP, I just bit the bullet and paid privately though, it's been amazing.

26-01-15, 19:05
Thanks fr the replies, it hasn't really ever bothered me, but sometimes I get the worry that it will paralyse me even though it's been pushing in ten years, just get the odd ache but I guess that's what everyone experiences I guess