View Full Version : HA Back :( C-word fears over tiredness and itchy skin!! Help!!

26-01-15, 10:00
Ok guys so after a really positive couple of days the HA is back L

Basically over the last week or so I have been very tired. Finding it hard to get out of bed in the mornings and falling asleep very early at night. I got about 9 hours sleep last night and still woke up exhausted, felt like I was going to fall asleep using the hair dryer this morning lol. I did an hour yoga class, 15 mins on a cross trainer and swam a bit yesterday and feel so achy from it, perhaps the tiredness is due to that?

Anyway I am worrying cause my skin is really itchy. It is mostly over my torso but also on my legs a bit and face. It started last night and has come back this morning. I DID go swimming yesterday and the water smelled very chlorine-y so I think it could be that, but of course I am scared its something sinister.

I am worrying over the c word L

I THINK when I had my bloods done a few weeks ago they did a full blood count and it came back normal. Surely if I had cancer something would have shown up on my bloods??!

My boyfriend thinks the tiredness is to do with me taking Sertraline. I have been on it about 2 months and at first I experienced the opposite! Has anyone had this happen on it, tiredness after a few months? He said he got it off Citalopram, but I never had tiredness off Citalopram or Fluoxetine so I dunno.

If someone could help I would really appreciate it, I am sooooo tired and achy and worrying I have the c word L


26-01-15, 10:11
Anxiety + drugs can indeed cause a lot of tiredness - plus I don't know what is normal for you, but it sounds like you've done a fair amount of exercise there, you need to give your body a break and let it recover a while. Do some gentle stretching and eat some protein to rebuild your muscle!

The itching, I would say is indeed most likely chlorine - it dries out your skin, and that on top of central heating at this time of year = itch central. Slather yourself in a good moisturiser, and I'm sure it will stop. Plus the more the scratch, the more it will itch, so try and stop :)

Your blood test was only 2 weeks ago, and no, things won't suddenly turn around in that time, but it will take a wee while for your body to recover from anxiety tiredness, so let it have time. Slow down and chill out. :hugs:

26-01-15, 10:32
Thanks Mindknot :)

I did do a fair amount of exercise and I hadn't done any for a week, and even with that I only do very little(!) had boiled eggs this morning so that will help with the protein intake.

The itching is so annoying. I did have a very irritating bra on a few days ago so it might be from that too. Thing is though, I washed very thoroughly after my swim and had a really good moisturise after!

The results did come back from my bloods, but they didn't say anything was up other than borderline rheumatoid factor which I am being referred to a rheumatologist over. I am pretty sure they did a full blood count though so if anything was wrong I would know by now surely.

Just really worrying over my itching and tiredness! Not overly happy with the Sertraline at the moment cause it causes other 'issues' too, ahem.. not wanting to go into too much detail but it can make some aspects of intimacy a bit a of challenge to say the least(!) It does help me keep calm though and I feel 'better' on it mentally, just wiped out.

Guess I am just worrying over the c word more than anything :( really scared something is up as I am so, so tired.

26-01-15, 11:04
Itching is also a reported side effect of setraline I think, so just because cancer is on your mind, doesn't mean it is it. Wait a few days, keep up the moisture and see if it calms down. I have quite dry, itchy skin a lot, a long soak & gentle exfoliation helps too :)

26-01-15, 12:11
hi snowflake ive been on sertraline about the same time as you now and its helping a lot but I do have some symptoms still that are worrying me but im trying to put it down to meds I seem to have sensitive skin and muscle aches but they go away sometimes

26-01-15, 12:20
Well, anxiety can also cause itchy skin. A little bit of relapse is okay, don't worry about it. I'm extremely tired too, just woke up from at least a 10 hours sleep and still wanted to stay in bed. Sometimes I feel like I want to stay in bed and sleep because when I wake up the fears come back so my brain makes me more sleepy. Maybe it's a coping mechanism for you too. Anxiety tires you out, we all know that and I'm sure there are a lot of people here who feel exhausted and want to sleep all the time.

26-01-15, 14:03
I did do a fair amount of exercise and I hadn't done any for a week, and even with that I only do very little(!) had boiled eggs this morning so that will help with the protein intake.

Just a point re: this - Be careful, I was going hammer and tongs at the exercise in the same way when my anxiety got really bad - remember that physical stress also contributes to anxiety.

Exercise because it's good for you, but build it up gradually especially if you are not used to it... getting fit takes time and recovering from anxiety takes time - think about how you can take baby steps towards your goal instead of getting there as fast as possible. Obviously I don't know anything about your fitness levels or anything like that, and I don't want to be patronising, but it sounds not dissimilar to my experience... and it took me a while to understand what was going on with that. PM me if you want :hugs:

26-01-15, 16:02
Thanks so much for all the replies :)

I am really worried something is up. I just have 'that feeling' you know? I have had this itching before though and it went away so hoping this does too!

Feeling loads less tired now, had a busy day running lots of errands so thought I'd be knackered but I actually feel quite energised, hope this feeling lasts!

Thanks so much Mindknot, really appreciate that and you aren't being patronising at all. Before my HA got bad I was very physically fit, did body combat classes 3 times a week, boxing, swimming, weights and yoga! However due to my anxiety and pain from my back and ankle I am doing a lot less. You are right I need to build it up slowly.

The tiredness was coming on though before I did all the exercise yesterday. Had it a few weeks now really. Get weird aches in my sides sometimes too especially after eating so start panicking I have some sort of liver/kidney/spleen cancer and that's whats causing the itching too!

Sorry you are so tired too Popejoan - you and I are so similar we always say that but its true! Anxiety knackers me. My fella was the same when his anxiety was bad and would sleep a lot to cope with it.

Its funny with the Sertraline Luke cause it has never caused itching before? I had strange side effects when I started it, felt jittery, no appetite and dry mouth but all that's gone now. Is it possible to develop side effects I wonder like itching and tiredness? If it was a side effect at least it would put my mind at rest.

I like the 'liberation' meds give me as in I can actually function and don't seem to be obsessing constantly over the c word or getting ill/death/loss etc... but there is one major side effect (affecting me in the boudoir lol) that I don't wanna go into but I posted about it in the meds section if you wanna read it. It is just so frustrating lol! I would kind of like to come off them but I know I am nowhere near ready yet.

---------- Post added at 16:02 ---------- Previous post was at 14:21 ----------

Really freaking out, feel soooooo tired and achy and itching is driving me bananas. What is wrong with me? Too scared to go the Drs incase they want to do more tests.

So fed up of this, just as I was having a real good patch of not worrying too :(

26-01-15, 16:55
Snowflake, stay strong, you don't need to go to the doctors again, you were there just two weeks ago. You know that your anxiety is making you dwell on the way you feel! When you get home, try some breathing exercises/meditation/whatever you need to take your focus off the "symptoms", then with a clear head, get some sleep. Just as with exercise, it takes a while for your body to recover from anxiety - so try not to stress, you've had all the tests done and they were fine, you have nothing to worry about really - just a couple of irritating symptoms, that will get better given a little bit of time :)

28-01-15, 08:26
Thanks Mindknot. Felt a lot calmer when I got home the other day but panicking again now over another thing. Just feel really fed up at the moment cause I feel its never ending. My fella thinks my HA is getting better though so if he can see a change in me that is a good thing :) xx

28-01-15, 09:54
There will be anxious wobbles, but as you work on the anxiety, those wobbles become far less frequent, and the way out will seem clearer. I just read your other post about the mole - I have had similar wobbles over moles when I'm anxious, I keep thinking I have new or darker ones... but they're not it's just my mind amplifying it. Sure yours is also fine, if it hasn't changed in 3 years! But you can always get it checked quickly by your doctor to put your mind at rest - just book a routine appointment a couple of weeks ahead - nothing is going to change with your mole in that space of time but anxiety dragons hate waiting, and they sometimes just up and leave in the meantime ;)

30-01-15, 10:22
Thanks :)

Just thought I would say I had a letter from my Dr yesterday and I have a Vitamin D deficiency and that would explain the tiredness and aching (although I don't know about the itching?) I have been prescribed Adcal tablets to take 2 twice a day for 6 months. I have had this before and did not have itching with it.

Worrying so much about the itching it is really bad. Scared I have leukaemia or lymphoma or pancreatic or liver cancer.

30-01-15, 10:50
I think if your tests picked up a vit D deficiency it would have picked up potential cancers, so try not to obsess over that idea :)

I think you are probably aggravating the itching by scratching and being anxious about it. Have yourself a long soak in the bath (just water though, or add epsom salts, don't use soap, it might be the cause), and maybe get some calamine lotion - slap that all over your skin and see if it helps. Also think about whether you've changed any of the products you use recently - shower gel, shampoo etc it could be a reaction to something... also laundry powder - sometimes if you put too much in, it doesn't wash out of your clothes properly - you could always put the machine on a second rinse. I know it must be driving you nuts, but I'm pretty sure tests would have shown up if there were any other issues. It's probably got quite an innocent cause but you've aggravated it with worrying.

30-01-15, 15:14
Thinking about it is definitely making it worse, feel less itchy when I am distracted. I do use lots of different products... I don't tend to stick to one. I have never really had this before.

I did have a new bra on a week ago and it itched me so much I had to take it back to m&s - do you think it could have been the bra? I do wonder... perhaps there was something in the fabric? To be honest though my neck and face is itchy too.

Going to just wash with water for a few days and give the laundry and extra rinse. Have stopped using fabric softener to just in case its that.

Can't get over the c word fear though. Feels very real when I have these thoughts, just can't shake it once the idea is in my head, feels like it is going to happen.

30-01-15, 16:44
Thinking about it is definitely making it worse, feel less itchy when I am distracted. I do use lots of different products... I don't tend to stick to one. I have never really had this before.

I did have a new bra on a week ago and it itched me so much I had to take it back to m&s - do you think it could have been the bra? I do wonder... perhaps there was something in the fabric? To be honest though my neck and face is itchy too.

Going to just wash with water for a few days and give the laundry and extra rinse. Have stopped using fabric softener to just in case its that.

Can't get over the c word fear though. Feels very real when I have these thoughts, just can't shake it once the idea is in my head, feels like it is going to happen.

Possibly could've been the bra that set it off... who know what chemicals etc it's been through during the manufacturing process, it's probably a good idea to wash stuff before wearing it, although I rarely remember to!

I understand where you are at, but I think you have to ask yourself, what at this point would you need, to be convinced that it is not cancer - you've only had a week of itching I think, so see what you can do to stop it first before heading back to the doctor. Maybe make an appointment in a couple of weeks time to talk about the itching, and just try and see if you can hold out until then - it might be better and you can cancel the appointment, just set yourself small goals to aim for - read the "get a plan" sticky post at the top of this forum, it may help you come up with a strategy.

N.b. I've been scratching like crazy just reading this thread, it's a fairly common thing, and it can be psychosomatic ;)

31-01-15, 12:40
Thanks Mindknot. The itching is bad today but its mostly round the boob/back areas so I am gonna try and put it down to the new bra.

I have had a really strange few days and sometimes I feel like I am totally losing my mind with all this. Its like I actually believe I am going to die and nothing will convince me otherwise. Not gonna see a Dr cause I am too scared anyway and I am hoping the itching goes.

Its funny sometimes I feel my HA is some sort of coping mechanism for something else. Before this I struggled with eating disorders... its like its one thing or another.

thanks xx

02-02-15, 12:04
Hello, just wondered how are you doing today snowflake? :flowers: Sorry wasn't online to reply during the weekend, I try to avoid computers when not at work. :)

03-02-15, 06:35
Bless you Mindknot, thank you so much for thinking about me. I don't blame you for avoiding computers when not at work - you deserve a break :) not doing too great at the moment, about to do a post about it. Hope you are doing ok hun xx

03-02-15, 15:51