View Full Version : How rare is mouth cancer for my age?

26-01-15, 11:52
Hi I am 24 years of age, male. My new biggest fear is mouth cancer, ever since I read a lad from my area had an ulcer which turned out to be cancer, he unfortunately did not make it and sadly passed away, he was 29-30. Now i am obsessed with my mouth, every little ulcer, but right now I have (well I think I have) a lump on my gum, lower gum, tounge side, it can only be felt with my finger or tounge, my mum has a mini dental kit with the mirror so you can see in your mouth all the way, she has looked and also my dad and it is not visible and they cannot see this 'lump' but i can feel something very small and its been on my mind for the past week, how rare is mouth cancer for my age? Would mouth cancer show as a tiny little lump, i am so so scared, i cannot get a dentist appointment for atleasr 4 weeks and i think it will be too late and i will get very ill, maybe i should go to the doctors? I am freaking out, I have had three days off work due to the worry. :( I cant take it, all i am doing is sleeping to take it off my mind, all because of a lump that is so tiny it cant even be seen, i just cant get this out my head!!

26-01-15, 12:03
I think it's probably really rare.

I had fears about having colon cancer, I'm 30 and the doctor said it's between a 1-3% chance I had it, so almost no chance.

If it makes you feel better I also suffer with mouth ulcers a lot and that's all they are, mouth ulcers. I seem to get more when I'm stressed too so try not to worry.

26-01-15, 12:03
I think it is really rare at this age but maybe go to see your GP and they can check too and also discuss the anxiety with them. I think it would be getting bigger and more ulcerated.

Feel better soon

26-01-15, 12:11
It is really rare. Also, there are risk factors, if you avoid them you will be fine. Don't smoke, don't drink alcohol, be careful with oral sex as hpv might cause oral cancer, however, I don't want to scare you. The body washes off the virus on its own in more than 90% cases, in less than 10% of the cases hpv stays in the body and MIGHT cause oral cancer, however still the chances are very very low.
The more you get obsessed with your mouth the more you will convince yourself you have oral cancer so stop looking at your mouth. See a dentist or GP, get it checked and believe them if they say you're fine. Hope you feel better soon.

26-01-15, 12:29
Incredibly rare and what you describe is not indicative of OC. The fact you "think" you have something in your mouth that no one else can see would put this down to anxiety after reading a story in the media.

Positive thoughts