View Full Version : Please help me. Desperate. Do not want to commit suicide!!

26-01-15, 15:49
I need to tell my story..and i need help. I know this is really long..but please, if you have a heart and a little time, please read and help me. i am desperate and don't want to kill myself. PLEASE, PLEASE, P L E A S E help me.

When i was 6 years old i developed this overwhelming urge to confess things to my mother. So i started to and i would feel better temporarily but i would always feel this guilt for anything i did wrong. I don't have much more me memory of it affecting me in my younger years so fast forward to around age 10-12. In grade 5, it was HORRIBLE. i would do disgusting things, like draw sexually inappropriate drawings in my textbooks like i couldn't help it..and then confessed to my mother and showed her.

It started up again when i was in jr. high, i would come home at lunch time and confess everything from that morning over the phone to my mother to the point that i would cry uncontrollably. i felt it easier to tell her about it over the phone. she would always tell me i need to stop acting out and also that she was tired of hearing about things as well, but i couldn't help myself.

one day (grade 7) it was so bad, i told my teacher i was sick after helping her move chairs for a school function and my anxiety and guilt hit and i HAD to go home. i mention the chairs to explain that nothing i can remember triggered it, it just happened. i went to my grandmothers, like everyday and called my mother and started confessing.

it got so bad (grade 7&8) that i started doing it in the mornings before school. confessing, confessing, confessing. my mother was always so annoyed by me and upset with me but i couldn't stop. i remember she would try to make me eat breakfast but i couldn't so she said i could eat and apple and that would be okay. so i have a lot of memories of picking away at an apple and confessing. to this day apples are a trigger for me i think, but i still eat them. still the only thing i can turn to for food as a fail safe when this anxiety strikes and i need to eat. but i always remember.

so quick pause there because you're probably wondering what i was doing so much all the time that i felt i needed to confess, so here is a quick list of things i would confess:

rubbing my stuffed animals on me inappropriately

trying to get guys to notice my breasts

drawing inappropriate photos

talking about sex with my friends

one time i wiped a toilet seat before i sat on it but then flipped over the toilet paper and wet it with my tongue to be able to clean the seat more, then felt bad

inappropriate actions with pillows, friends etc.

so continuing on, (all my ages) i noticed that i would have a "groinal response" when i would wash dishes, or touch someone elses eating utensils or cups or belongings. it got so bad that i started happening when i touched people. so when my nieces and nephews would come over and i would hold them, my "groinal response" would trigger. so i tried not to get too close or touch them. i also had a thought about killing my nephew because i was jealous i think and i confessed that too. and that REALLY made my mother upset.

i just hated myself, so much. so there were times it calmed down, especially after i got a bf. (age 15) we got super close and i would tell him this stuff and so everything i did something wrong, i confided in him, most of it was stuff he was doing with me and he didn't get upset, he said he understood and the burden was easier to carry. i stopped confessing to my mother.

after that, our break up, etc. (age 19) i still got the guilt and urges to confess but i passed the burden on to other people i dated. after that breakup i was babysitting my infant nephew and he was crying while i was changing his diaper, so when i wiped him, my finger touched him my accident and he laughed, which was a relief to me cause he wouldn't stop...so i gasp in a good way like "oh, you stopped" and wiped him again, like touched him again..but i didn't mean to in a sexual way, i was as if i was so happy he stopped crying that i did it before i thought about it and i really really didn't mean it like that. so that haunted me for 7 years. i was able to live with that, telling myself i wasn't a pedophile because i didn't want that to happen, it wasn't my intention, etc.

so still, i always avoided children, holding them, touching them, letting them stand between by legs while helping them stand, etc. because of my mental images, but i thought i was getting better and could handle it. it was 7 years since that incident and i had learned to basically control it. or at least i thought i did, one time i noticed i looked at my (at the time) step daughters lower back when she leaned up but it was a reflex..so when i do that to childtren, i just can't help it. i do it to adults too. (age 25).

SO, i got pregnant with my (at the time) fiance at age 25 and we were going to start a family. we got in a really bad fight one time and he left and i thought it was over so i was power puking and shaking and was completely overwhelmed. it much mirrored my symptoms of my anxiety, guilt, ocd panic attacks. we gpot back together though but it wasn't the same. after i had the baby he left anyways because i got one of these panic attacks, had post partum and didn't want to be around the baby because i was afraid of hurting her or touching her inappropriately. (this was about 4 days after i had her) so i hated the fact that i had a baby and was over whelmed. my panic attack was so bad i had to come home to visit my mother with the baby so she could help me because my daughters father was useless. so when i came home to get my mother to help me, he said he didn't want to come be with us so he left.

while i was home i started confessing to my mother again..(about 4-5 days after i had the baby) example:

i watched an incest porno once and the line the father said was "do you remember the first time i licked that little butthole?". and it stuck with me i guess? so while i was rubbing my daughters back and that line popped in my head and i thought i was rubbing her back too low..which i don't really think i was and then i thought "maybe she'd like that".

it's at this time i confessed about the changing of my nephews diaper that one time too. my mother was upset, telling me to stop obsessing, etc. keep doing what i'm doing to get over it. but i have troubles now, it's too hard to handle, here is a list of troubles i face:

sexually inappropriate mental images of me and children in my family

sexually inappropriate mental images of me and family members

touching, picking up, rocking, holding, being around mine of any other child for too long, like if she's sitting on my lap.

cooking/washing dishes and holding utensils too close to my private areas.

transference..like touching a towel i dried off with then touching my child or a tap or doorknob then not washing the tap or doorknob but then touching the tap again and it transferring to my child. so the hand washing and item washing is skin bleedingly EXCESSIVE.

talking myself through every diaper change.

hugging people/family members and having their bodies against mine and thinking inappropriate thoughts.

one complex example is...when i was passing my niece my Bible she touched my hand and i could have kind of awkwardly moved it like i normally do but sometimes i'm just exhausted from being so careful i just let people touch me or touch something or someone, not inappropriately on purpose but just natually, but tend to over analyze it after wards like now. when she touched my hand, i felt like i liked it, but im wondering if it's because i was thinking about the previous night where i got SUPER drunk, cause i don't normally drink and touched a few girls, kissed them, etc. which i KNOW is wrong, but i was drunk beyond drunk. so i had images of that night when she touched my hand so i'm thinking i liked it because i was feeling surperior because i know she looks up to me (she's 12) and i don't think it was directed towards her, it was just thoughts i had at the same time of contact and didn't keep my hand there on purpose. but then i start obsessing, did i purposely leave my hand on the spot on the Bible so she would touch my hand and made up the excuses to make myself feel better? (I don't think so, but this is an example of how i think). so i;ve been obsessing over that all day.

now i know drinking is wrong, i DO NOT drink alcohol. it's bad for my depression and anxiety and guilt and it shouldn't be mixed with my medication. it was a freak one time thing that i did in such a long time. i just got a new bf and i think i was trying to impress him and looking for a way to be more sexual with him and be relaxed because i'm a Christian and im trying to stay celibate now.

i'm on celexa (or ciprolex 20mg) and ativan (.5mg)

i smoke cigarettes but do NO other recreational drugs

i try to exercise when i get the energy or am desperate for endorphins

my diet is AWFUL because these panic attacks make it so i can barely eat

i get nervous to leave my house i get so overwhelmed and i still haven't eaten a meal with my new bf because sometimes after eating, i get full and the full feeling kind of mimics by guilt and anxiety symptoms and i don't want to be embarrassed and tell him he needs to take me home or leave immediately so i can be alone during the panic. it is getting SO bad. so i made an appointment with my family doctor for feb 6th 2015 to get a referral to mental health although i am SO petrified to talk about this in person and am worried they may see me as an unfit parent, worried i'd hurt my daughter and watch me or want to take her away from me. i'm SO worried and scared. but i need help.

a LOT of time i don't feel like i deserve to be happy like i should just give up and confess more things to my mother, but when i do that, more just happens and keeps happening so she tends to get angry at me. now...i'm 26 years old. i'm a little old for all of this. i panic as to what i will do when my mother is gone and is NOT an option to talk to anymore, although i don't want to talk to her about this at all. she looks at me like i'm a freak, gets mad, watches me like a hawk around the baby..it REALLY damages our relationship.

i want to stop feeling as if i have to confess, i want to get better, this is a NONSTOP 99.9% of my day, overwhelming, gut wrenching, obsessive problem part of my every single day life. my panic attack symptoms:

racing heart



bowel movements


heavy breathing


have to lay down

feeling helpless, hopeless, like i should die

this is almost a daily thing.

i don't want to kill myself as i'm a Christian and have a daughter, but i feel like it's my only relief to spare myself further pain. and am 100% of the time hoping i get cnacer or die or something.

please, PLEASE, help me. please...i am so desperate...

26-01-15, 17:26
Hi - this sounds like Peadophile OCD and guilt OCD. Have you seeked any treatment for this from a doctor or therapist? A doctor would be your first point of call. If you explain it from the point of view that you have OCD and you are very anxious and it's affecting your life then they will understand.
Just to reassure you that you are not a bad person and loads of people on here have experienced similar problems and will support you through this.

26-01-15, 22:58
i'm not a pedophile!!..?? what?? i legitimately don't want to hurt anybody!! i don't think you understood / didn't read the whole thing, because if you did, you wouldn't have asked if i sought out treatment when in my story i wrote about that. i'm not sure you're in the right place.. thank you anyways for attempting to give feedback.... :/

26-01-15, 23:30
I'm sorry, I think you misunderstood my post. "peadophile OCD" or POCD is a fear of being a peadophile where the sufferer clearly isn't one. I'll try to link you some similar threads for reference. If you've stated you already seeked out therapy for the OCD I'm sorry if I missed that.

---------- Post added at 23:30 ---------- Previous post was at 23:25 ----------

Here are some similar threads, I don't know if you've already seen them..
Hopefully we're on a level plain now?

27-01-15, 07:53
Welcome to NMP :welcome:

You've got quite a few issues in here, some which I have to confess to not coming across in OCD before so must be subtely connected or subissues perhaps?

It's very clear that there are issues with OCD in here. You appear to be suffering from Sexually Intrusive thoughts and there are some examples of Violent Intrusive thoughts.

PanchoGoz is a very helpful person I have found and she means to help you as seen by finding similiar threads for you. It's perhaps worth us remembering that the use of certain words brings up images of criminal activity and that is not the case with OCD hence the use of the words Sexually Intrusive which also provides a wider category because these thoughts can be about questioning your sexuality, incest or other inappropriate thoughts of a sexual nature towards family members, friends or strangers of a consenting age including extreme images.


In your example you demonstrate some thoughts about children as well as adults which all fall into this category, its just that children are a more extreme category for obvious reasons and even more so if they are your own.

I'm less sure about the touching and transference which is why I think these may be a subissue of the these forms of OCD but I think thats best left for a therapist to determine incase its an indicator of anything else.

Its clear there is anxiety & panic in here as well and your doctor is treating you for this so that will help show the mental health team that there is an ongoing issue that requires treatment before they even get to the subject.

Some of the things you have said about your earlier years are common in children experimenting with their bodies & feelings eg rubbing against stuffed toys, sexual imagery, etc. Its probably only your need to confess this that has made you view it differently.

The need to confess is not a form of OCD but a symptom, it's a ritual. So there is a compulsion here. This means it can take place against any intrusive thoughts regardless of content. The issue is that it reduces the sufferers anxiety & guilt.

You've done the right thing though by asking for help from your doctor. This is a massive step because its such a disturbing form of OCD which only makes you want to hide it. Education is key here because until you read about OCD, you may assume you are becoming a paedophile or various others things people on here say about themselves eg monster, pervert, etc until they understand that this is OCD and that OCD does not lead to that behaviour because you are disgusted by these thoughts.

You really need that support from a therapist. They are trained in these issues so will not be shocked by what you say and will not judge you to be a bad parent because of them. In fact, you have tried to shield your child at times in your examples and you should make sure you tell them this so they understand how it has made you feel and that you did it because you thought you needed to protect them which shows you are a good mother, just one with real problems who needs professional help to recover.

I've suffered various forms of OCD including some harm based intrusive thoughts as well as Magical Thinking, various touching & checking routines, etc many of which became intertwined as things became worse. CBT can help with this but for me, Mindfulness resolved a great deal of it.

Given yours stretches back into childhood, it may mean you need help understanding its causes or maybe the purposes it serves but ultimately the therapist will be able to work with you to set tasks to prove to yourself that this is irrational and that you can cope without it.

I would also advise you to do relaxation techniques because I found a great deal of my OCD was because my GAD was sky high. I couldn't work on my OCD so I shifted to my GAD, reduced it and my OCD greatly improved, some of it went completely or remained without an anxious response or I was able to at least start to work effectively on them.

I would also advise you to read the threads on the OCD board, where your thread is more connected, because both men & women have threads in there that display similiar intrusive thoughts.