View Full Version : Want my life back

Dan Wales
26-01-15, 18:28
I want my life back. I spend the whole day having panic attacks and anxiety attacks. All I want to do is sleep and forget it all. I can't bear to live like this. I am lonely and feel so down.

26-01-15, 18:49
hey Dan, dont feel lonely - lonely is pits.

26-01-15, 20:45
HI Dan,

Are you on any meds for this?....or had any help?

28-01-15, 16:51
Dan, I can certainly relate to how you feel. Although my attacks are further apart and not asintense, it seems like I'll never be 100% back to being me again. But at some point I had to fight and face these panic attacks head on with the help of my ccounselors and others and get pieces of my own life back. It was to a point where I would not go anywhere by myself otherwise I'd stay in the house. I'm probably about 65% there, I still have a ways to go and it feels like I've lapsed some but stay strong. This is going to be a process that's going to take longer than I really thought. But it IS going to get better. Believe it.

28-01-15, 18:23
Hi Dan. Greeting from the Caribbean. I know what you are feeling. This past december was horrible for me, anxiety, depression, panic attacks 24/7. It was a relentless vicious circle, one leading to the other. Lost weight (I'm skeletal) because I just stopped eating 'cause I was afraid to eat. Today I am feeling much better and I can say that I'm almost recovered. From 1 to 10 being 10 the best I'm at 9.8. I am eating and back at work. By the way, I made a presentation yesterday in front of a Board of Bankers and was cool as a cucumber. Some days I tend to get a little anxious in the mornings when I wake up and other days I feel depression trying to sneak up on me but I've been able to manage it and it's getting better as the days go by. You need to be patient and give your brain chemicals a chance to settle again. If you have a reason for being anxious you need to face it head on and get it out of the way. Your doctor can help with medication, but I faced my situation without pills. I dread taking more pills in addition to my hbp medication.
It takes some thought switching focusing your mind in something else, I thought of something and tried to picture in my mind in full detail (for example a green frog), yes sounds weird but it works, I prayed for healing, also engaging in something that takes your mind away from your symptoms helps a lot. Nothing to complicated that can stress you out. i.e., Facebook games worked for me, reading nice articles in the internet but not related to any kind of sickness or disease and I did drink a lot of hot 100% cocoa which helps a lot (not instant chocolate powder) cocoa is a super food. I took a few days break from work to just be me and do what I felt like doing. If I didn't want to eat, I didnt eat, if I didn't want to comb or take a bath, I didn't... if I wanted to spend the whole day in my pajamas, I did. It can take more time for some than for others, but trust me, you will get better and you will be yourself again. I have been through this 3 times in my lifetime for different reasons, but it always gets better. This time it only took me a month and a half. Remember, Anxiety is just a feeling created by our own mind. Hope well for you. Don't forget, thought switching!!!:winks: