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View Full Version : Scared of abdominal/digestive pain

Anxious College Kid
26-01-15, 19:00
So here's the lowdown...3 weeks ago today I came down with a nasty 24-hour stomach flu. Vomiting, fever, body aches, the whole caboodle. Since then the vomiting and fever have subsided but other symptoms have been lingering. I've had mild lower abdominal pain (I'd call it more discomfort), occasional nausea, heartburn, and haven't had a normal bowel movement since I got the virus (either constipated/rock hard stool or rampant diarrhea). I live in the States, but I'm currently studying in Europe (Czech Republic). Before I left last week, my doctor said I had gastritis and gave me medicine to reduce the heartburn. That worked, but the lower abdomen discomfort and bowel problems still persist. I'm also experiencing burning sensations in my groin area that sometimes go down my thighs, particularly at night. Went to a doctor again (this time in CR) and now I have an abdominal ultrasound and X-ray scheduled for tomorrow.

That being said, I am prone to anxiety attacks and have had several breakdowns lately, which I think may be exasperating some of my symptoms like the groin/thigh burning, but I'm not entirely sure. My hope is that this is just the stomach bug making its way out of my system, worst case scenario this is IBS or an ulcer, but I keep freaking out that it's something much worse like chronic appendicitis. Can someone help me out? Is my anxiety making some of these symptoms worse? Any response would be greatly appreciated.

*One more thing...my appetite comes and goes. Sometimes I'm not hungry, other times I'm starving (wolfed down a hearty goulash and dumplings today), other times I start eating then get full quickly.

26-01-15, 21:00
My boy had a sickness bug aged 3, and till age 7 he suffered on off tummy upsets tummy pain and diarrhea, tummy bugs can really upset the stomachs balance the only thing that helped my son was live yoghurt like actimel etc, also anxiety can most certainly make very minor symptoms into very noticeable and persistent symptoms, it can definitely exacerbate symptoms hun xx