View Full Version : Is it really anxiety?

26-01-15, 20:16
Hi I had previously been stressed out and passed a tiny bit of blood in my stool so I visited the doctor, he done his thing which we all know what that was and said I was ok, I came back to see him and was referred to a specialist had a colonoscopy and everything came back but a lot of mucus blood test also fine, I also complained I keep caughing up lots of green sputum which to this day I haven't had a diagnosis I have too many symptoms I feel to be taken seriously I even said if you think it's anxiety diagnose me with it but they wouldn't. I cough after eating and now have a random sore shoulder and a lump in my mouth. Can anxiety really do this too you or is anxiety and excuse not to spend money nhs ?

I think anxiety is caused by the unknown, I'm anxious because no one will tell me why I feel the way I do and it's driving me insane 😢😰😅😩😨😡😖😷😴😎😲

04-02-15, 09:44
All anxiety chick I'm the same, Doc's say I'm fine but I don't believe them because anxiety makes u doubt everything xx

04-02-15, 10:36
Yep anxiety.... Random as ! Distraction is often the key for me...
Its hell to live with though isn't it .. So tiring .. All the best x